Capone over at Ain't It Cool News has a really good interview with Andrew Stanton where he talks about the making of "Wall-E" and then delves a little into his next project, "John Carter of Mars"...
Give it a looksie.
I am so looking forward to Carter. I loved the books since I was a kid and think Pixar would make a great adaption.
Stanton says he's a fan of the books so I hope that means he keeps the Civil War setting.
Thanks for the re-direct to this interview. Outstanding. I even posted an article about John Carter from Mars a couple months ago when I heard this rumour. I'm gld to see it's been verified. Can't wait to see Wall-E
I am so looking forward to Carter. I loved the books since I was a kid and think Pixar would make a great adaption.
Stanton says he's a fan of the books so I hope that means he keeps the Civil War setting.
Thanks for the re-direct to this interview. Outstanding. I even posted an article about John Carter from Mars a couple months ago when I heard this rumour. I'm gld to see it's been verified. Can't wait to see Wall-E
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