Brooks Barnes over at the New York Times has a great article up about visual development artist, Mark Walton, aka: Rhino the Hamster. You can tell by the way Mark talks and the developments that are happening that the world in the Hat Building is another universe away from what it was just a few years ago. People make the difference. Leadership under the right people can accomplish wondrous things. It's a shame Michael Eisner forgot that...
Give it a read.
just got back from the sneak previews, honor and it was great. thanks for getting me excited about the film in the first place!
If you like it, see it again. As Honor said, a lot is riding on Lasseter and his reputation. If it's good then we should reward Disney for their efforts.
I'm seeing it at an early show Friday! I can't wait.
There are indeed some great things happening at Disney these days. On the other hand...anybody see that Muppet thing on the Today show? It sucked. It was so painfully painfully bad. What a drag. It hurts to see Disney waste its time attempting a so-called Muppet revival while it's creating great NEW stuff like Bolt. It's like it's lowering itself somehow, trying to make a silk purse out of a frog's rear, or something. Well, let's go with "rear", because that Muppet appearance was ASS. Thank the Mouse Eisner's outta there.
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