Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Competitors Poster Revealed: Delgo

This looks kinda cool and interesting from a design standpoint at least...

Except for that blatant ripoff of "Raiders" during one scene in the trailer. I guess you could be flattered and call it a homage...

The visual style looks nice, but I haven't seen this up on the big screen and don't know if the story is good or the characters are likable, we'll see.

Hat Tip to IMP Awards.


Anonymous said...

I've seen the trailer for Delgo before viewings of Bolt. And I have to say that Delgo looks AWFUL. Horrible, hideous character designs that move stiffly, and oh yeah, speaking of stiff, horrible animation as well. I'll be giving this one a major PASS.

Anonymous said...

~Disney vault~

there is no way this movie does not flop. Just watched the trailer and it looked like it was for a bad video game.