Sunday, November 9, 2008

Blue Sky Disney Enters Its Terrible Twos...

Two Years...

Time passes faster than you want, doesn't it?

That's how long it's been since Blue Sky Disney was started. On this date a couple years ago I decided to deal with my inability to get some sleep by writing a blog, which was becoming all the craze. I didn't think anyone would look, but figured it would be a fun experiment. Around a month ago well over a million people had visited the site in 2008 alone. We've already doubled the number of people that came to the site last year.


My thanks to each and everyone of you that enjoy hearing my perspective on the Mouse and all the other folly I type here. I greatly appreciate it more than you could know. I've met several people I now call friend because of this site and continue to gather new Bothans along the way. I'll have a few announcements about the site in the coming days ahead.

Now, I have to get some sleep...


Rooney said...

Honor, CONGRATS!! I just stumbled upon your blog a few months ago and now I have to visit every day lest I go CrAzY!! Without your blog as part of my day, I'm sure life would go on but not nearly as well as it does with a little dose of news in the Mouse House(s).


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Honor. I remember when you started this blog. I've enjoyed it every day. Thanks for all of your hard work.

Anonymous said...

Agreed...great blog! Thanks, Honor.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I have enjoyed reading it - Tasman.

Roald Bergmann said...

Hi... I'm following you're blog everyday from Denmark, Europe. It actually inspired me to open my own Disney-site ( Btw.... i've made TONS of hat tips to ya... hehe. Keep on the good work!

spacemtn77 said...

Congratulations and thank you, Honor! Your website is a gift to Disney fans everywhere!

mydisneycollection said...

Many congrats. Blue Sky Disney has become my first stop for Disney News.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Yours is one of the better Disney sites. I enjoy it every day, with my Pop Tart. Please keep up the good work, and thank your buddies the Bothans for me. Kungaloosh!

SPJTWD said...

Congrats Honor! I always check your blog first to get all of the latest Disney news. I also really appreciate how you try to keep it light-hearted and optimistic.

Anonymous said...

Two years and counting, Honor. Contrats. You fill a niche in the Disney online news world - honest reporting with a wide variety of news. My favorites are the Blue Sky Updates as my personal interests center around the parks. I quickly saw that you put those together with an eye for simply reporting the news, nothing more. That's the best way to go and it works!

My best for many more years. This is an exciting time at Disney.

Bob and Rob Professional American Writers said...

And I thought there were just a handful of us following your blog. Way to go! Bob

Anonymous said...

Happy Toosies.

I really hope the next year isn't so terrible...

Anonymous said...

I only follow Disney through your blog. I've grown tired of the sensationalized rhetoric used in other sites to attract attention. Thank you, Honor.

Mr. Lincoln said...

Congrats!! Keep up the good work, I really enjoy reading.

Jared said...

Great site -- Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

This is the better of disney sites. Part of my daily routine for several months now.