Surprises await you very, very soon...
If all goes according to plan, and remember it don't always, but come next week we should finally hear some news about that mythic Sixth Kingdom of Disney everyone keeps whispering about. Now, I'm not saying a whole lot will come out, but you can expect that it will finally be made official. Even if they showed artwork it would be subject to change. Remember that HKDL artwork featuring Frontierland? I thought so. But the interesting thing about any plans is that it gives us an insight into Bob Iger's view of Disney theme parks for the first time and not Michael Eisner's vision.
Or fixing Michael Eisner's vision for that matter...
Iger's Vision = Character Based. Not inherently bad by any means, just needs to be executed well. I think this park could incorporate Disney franchises very well if it's built with them in mind. The only problem with characters is when they're shoehorned into a previously cohesive area, and even then it's still acceptable. I'm just hoping for some concept art though.
My hunch is we will be surprised. The Chinese were fooled once by HKDL. This time, Disney wants into the mainland so badly, they'll do it right. If Iger = character infusion (and you may be very right, unfortunately), give me Eisner anyday. But I think we will see a park with some unique aspects to it- in fact, I'm sure we will...
Iger has yet to contribute anything good to the Walt Disney Company. If by Eisner you mean Disneyland Paris, then there is very little chance of Iger beating him.
One land each for the more popular Pixar films, also a CarsLand, a Haunted Mansion variation, a Space Mountain, a Pirates, some shops, some eats, some nod to Chinese culture, and you're done. Easy. Not what we'd want to see, but probably not far off the mark.
"Iger has yet to contribute anything good to the Walt Disney Company."
That is a gross exaggeration.
Let's see - Buying Pixar, and bringing Ed Catmull and of all people John Lasseter back into the company, having them lead both Pixar and Walt Disney Animation studios, allowing them to revive traditional Disney animation, recognizing that Animation was essential to the heart and soul of Disney...that it fuels all the other business units. Not to mention recognizing the huge issues with DCA, HKDL, among other things. Pushing for Disney to lead in technology. I could go on and on...
Thing is, we haven't actually seen the fruits of these labors quite yet. Starting at the end of this year, it begins...then we can really start to judge. ;)
Aha! More mentally retarded people migrating to your blog. You have a knack for bringing in the weird freaks.
Let's see - Buying Pixar, and bringing Ed Catmull and of all people John Lasseter back into the company, having them lead both Pixar and Walt Disney Animation studios, allowing them to revive traditional Disney animation, recognizing that Animation was essential to the heart and soul of Disney...that it fuels all the other business units. Not to mention recognizing the huge issues with DCA, HKDL, among other things. Pushing for Disney to lead in technology. I could go on and on...
Thing is, we haven't actually seen the fruits of these labors quite yet. Starting at the end of this year, it begins...then we can really start to judge. ;)
Iger IS better than Eisner.
And anyone who says that Eisner should be brought back to Disney is not thinking about the long-term health of the company.
This place is spastic central these days.
What does "Damien" mean?
you know..
The only people who are "retarded" or "spastic" are those who come here for no reason than to make comments that do not contribute anything constructive (or relevant) to the topic, or conversation, at hand.
Back on topic...
the future of Disney...including Shanghai...is no doubt PPP (Pirates Princesses and Pixar)
Pirates - I suspect we'll finally get a Pirate ride with a big drop, tied to the movies, of course.
Princesses - probably a lot like the New Fantasyland at WDW, but more Mulan.
Pixar - all the franchises - Toy Story, Cars, and likely Monsters - should feature prominently...plus random rides tied to new relases.
While character-based lands are not my first choice...as long as they are well themed immersive experiences like CarsLand...then I'm not complaining.
- Tasman
Tasman -
You forgot the fourth P, pixies. I said the same thing in my article on the subject - it's going to be all pirates, princesses, pixies, and Pixar.
Tasman - Carsland isn't even built so how do you know it will be immersive? For the details shown it doesn't look any more immersive than any other 'character-based' lands or any other DCA land for that matter.
The name itself says it all.
It's a pretty detailed land, FF...
It'll shine beyond anything in DCA and be the one place for families to head after entering the gates. If you attended D23 you could have seen the models and noticed all the detail in the rather large scaled version. There's a reason it's going to be 12 acres; it's going to have to hold a lot of guest.
It'll be fun watching the construction over the next few years. You won't notice it coming into form until this time next year...
Yea but nothing yet evidenced would suggest that it will work out that way. Except hope.
Its official http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/04/business/global/04disney.html?_r=1&hp
Michael - I did not include Pixies because they're not yet established as a financial success. If the frachise is a success, then no doubt we shall see it in Shanghai.
Fantastic Franny - sometimes I am doubtful about proposed Disney projects, but I have little doubt about Carsland. It's Lasseters pet project, and he's got the clout...plus the dollars have been allocated. In terms of size, detail, and thematic rigor...it should be quite immersive. Also, Radiator Springs Racers is the biggest ride Disney has ever built (other than Kili Safari) and I for one have high expectations for it. Lands based on single movies may not be my favorite thing but if they are way of the future then CarsLand should be the standard.
- Tasman
Tasman. Doesn't matter about prospect, just use an example that exists and is acknowledged as a good example of Disney Imagineering??
It really gets my goat when people talk about unreleased product as though it is already amazing.
Carsland will only be as good as the people who actually deliver the product not those who design the product. You tell me who is building it and why they are the mecca and i'll believe, otherwise shut up and wait for it to be proven worthwhile.
The Carsland name stinks.
I agree with you on the name...
I've always liked calling it "Route 66" but the powers that be feel the Cars name is too powerful branding.
You never know though, remember that Disneyland Paris used to be called "Euro Disneyland" a name I never liked...
EuroDisney(land) was a patronising name for a European resort.
Stupid things stuck to it like glue though.
Carsland is not realised so you should maybe hold back until we see if the stuff that is planned actually happens. You know Disney of late. They like getting the scissors on everything.
That's not the Disney of late, that's the Disney of the 90's and I think Iger spending a billion to spruce up DCA is proof that he's willing to do a lot more than Eisner was.
When we finally see the plans for SDL we'll know for sure.
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