Disney Interactive has released Part Two of Junction Point's Opening Cinematic to the "Epic Mickey" Wii game...
Check it out. It's interesting seeing how they're combining elements/characters from Mickey's old shorts that most people don't know or can't remember.
Now, if only it were for other systems...
One of the things I'm most interested about in this game, though I'm not planning on buying it, was who would voice good ol' Oswald the Rabbit since I love Oswald and especially love voice acting. I'm glad they have him back!
I like the references, the idea and the designs, but I watched the same user's gameplay video and it looks like a lot of what I don't like about modern games... a lot of running around, very little action.
I've read in a few of the interviews with the development staff that it might eventually hit some other platforms. That having been said, I'm pretty sure that the majority of the game's target demographic owns a Wii. All of my students (middle school boys) that own Xbox 360 and PS3 only like First-person shooters and Grand Theft Auto.
Personally, I'm hoping that there will still be some shreds of mischievous Mickey in the game. You know, the kind that swung a cat by its tail and threw Minnie out of a plane because she didn't kiss him. Alas, it seems focus testing revealed that making Mickey have a personality beyond 24/7 happy corporate icon somehow violates people's childhood memories.
I think it would be great if they made a sequel to World of Illusion or Magical Quest.
I don't have a WII (nor any other gaming console system). Maybe they'll make an i-phone game of it? I can dream!!!
The Wii is a relatively cheap console compared to the other systems. The transition to a classically controlled console, though, will be quite cumbersome as you need to be able to point the brush at anything within the environment.
Having said that, this is what I expect of a Mickey-centric video game, dark, disturbing and... epic.
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