When you buy the new "Tron Legacy" Blu-Ray/DVD you'll get a lot of bonus features...
One of those will be the trailer for Disney XD's animated series "Tron Uprising." But if you want to see it before then, click here.
Looks very nice. I can't wait to see/DVR this. So much happening in the world of Tron right now.
An exciting time to be on the grid...
The animation in this looks infinitely superior to Clone Wars. I can't wait! Bring it!
But, not exciting enough to take the three seconds to embed the video?
"But, not exciting enough to take the three seconds to embed the video?"
What? Were you too lazy to click the link?
Must be new to BSD. Honor doesn't post very many videos, but he post the links to them.
I just saw that /Film put up the video a couple hours after you, Honor. I posted in their comments that I saw this over here a couple hours ago and they deleted my post! What a bunch of losers! I guess they don't want anyone to know it got posted before them.
Yeah, Honor almost never embeds something in a post. He gave us the link, what's the difference? As soon as you click on a link or an embed it'll start playing.
This looks great, can't wait to see it.
On another note, I've been seeing links to /Film's story about this. What gives? I saw this here long before they got it. Do people not realize that?
After watching this I'm going to have to Rinzler my pants out!
Apparently the mods at /Film love to steal scoops from other sites and take all the credit.
Man, my cable company doesn't carry Disney XD! All I get is the chickified Disney Channel with the Hannah Montana and Wizards of Waverly Place crap! Come on, Time Warner, give a brother a break.
Does it really start in the summer of 2012? Hope it's not too late; the synergy of Tron Legacy has died done by then I'm afraid...
The voice cast looks amazing for an animated series, however! Including Tron himself!
Thanks, Honor. Any scoop if a "Tron 3" has been greenlit?
No greenlight yet...
A lot is riding on the Blu-Ray/DVD sales, so you better buy one, maybe two if you want that third trip to the grid.
Now, as for a Tron attraction?
Yeah i figured everyone I know who has a birthday is getting a copy of a Legacy/Original combo pack. Disney, I'm dropping a lot of money on TRON. please let it show.
At Disneyland in CA? I hope so... Thanks again.
Tron Legacy sucked badly and this will suck even more. When are the shareholders and moviegoers going to have an uprising and demand films from Disney that are actually good???
^Agree with this guy.
As for the Captain America movie...who the hell even wants to see that beyond little boys and little BIG boys? Is that enough of an audience for such an expensive movie? I doubt it has crossover appeal. And that lack of crossover appeal, BTW, is what killed Tron.
Tron doesn't have crossover appeal?!?!?! WTF are you talking about?!?!!! Crossover into what? The Matrix? GTFO you troll!!!
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