Lucasfilm has announced the theatrical release date for "Star Wars: Episode I" in 3D...
February 10, 2012 is the date you can go into a theater and see George Lucas begin to destroy the mythic Star Wars universe with each passing second, only this time it'll be in 3D. Think it'll suck just as badly or worse in the Third Dimension? I'll go see these when they start to get good, which means Episode III (which is by no means perfect).
Lucasfilm Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox announced today that the 3D theatrical launch of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace now has an official release date — February 10, 2012! Set against the thrilling and exotic backdrop of a “galaxy far, far away,” Star Wars is perfectly suited to the immersive 3D theatrical experience, and Episode I delivers some of the Saga’s most stunning and spectacular sequences — from the Naboo invasion to the Tatooine Podraces to the climactic lightsaber battle between Darth Maul and the Jedi. Supervised by Industrial Light & Magic, the meticulous conversion is being done with utmost respect for the source material, and with a keen eye for both technological considerations and artistic intentions.
And just so you know, yes, Indiana Jones is still planned for a 3D theatrical release. They just have decided to wait on the announcement. I stick by that story because of what I know that I can't tell.
Eat that, haters...
Hat Tip to The Force.Net.
I will not be seeing this in 3D. Maybe part 3.
The originals, particularly Empire I may buy a ticket for.
Raiders? You bet! That I'd see.
Aw, Thanks Lucas for ruining my birthday next year... You're the best!
Oh, wait, it's 3D, BIG YAWN!!!
I work in one of the conversion facilities in SoCal and have friends that have talked to Lucasfilm Execs about the Indy thing. It is happening and you are right, Honor. I think they were just holding off on the announcement. I think you kinda raised the issue before they wanted it known.
hahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha............(catching breath, wipping tears away) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..ahhhhh..
funniest photoshop ever!
Great Job Hunter!
so if the critics proclaim the 3d being better then the film and that "it works as good or almost as good as Tron and Avatar". Will you go then?
I bet your lap dog, Colonel Kurtz is going to eat this crap up.
Colonel: "It was great before, but now in 3D it's going to be amazing! And here are the figures why."
Ugh... this is stinky news. Why don't you just freaking retire, Lucas?! Star Wars is done. The saga was great, but it's over... get a life.
This is one movie I don't think the Colonel would pay to see in 3D. I can only imagine watching Jar Jar stepping in Bantha Poo Doo in 3D. Lucas doesn't even need Smell-O-Vision because this movie just stinks.
"Episode I delivers some of the Saga’s most stunning and spectacular sequences — from the Naboo invasion to the Tatooine Podraces to the climactic lightsaber battle between Darth Maul and the Jedi."
LMAO! I think they meant it has the most forgettable.
I still maintain that Episode III is just as bad (and in some ways worse) than the other two prequels.
Nonetheless, I'm sure I'll take my kids to see each of these, and I'll probably enjoy it when I do.
There are no Star Wars films after 1983.
You know what's funny about all the haters and whiners going on how "I'll never watch them, Lucas is done raping me!"
You will ALL be there opening night.
Go ahead, say you wont. Everyone including yourself knows you'll be there.
I haven't watched The Phantom Menace since 1999. Won't be watching it again.
Episode I and II already suck. Adding 3D won't cause them to suck any more or any less.
If we didn't have the prequel trilogy alive and well today, Star Wars would be dead right now. It would be a set of 3 old films that appealed to an older generation. The new generation states what they like, and they like Episode II: Attack Of The Clones.
Fifteen or so years from now, there will be fathers telling their young kids how they saw AOTC in theaters and it was the coolest thing ever--much like fathers have done with The Empire Strikes Back. The difference is, these fathers won't have formed their own, personal "perfect" prequel trilogy in their heads so they can continue to whine adecade after Lucas's vision was released.
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