Monday, June 16, 2008

On this day in 1955, Walt Disney Productions premiered "Lady and the Tramp", it's fifteenth animated feature in Chicago. It was the first film Disney made in CinemaScope. A wonderful story filled with heart and romance, it's entertained audiences throughout the world for generations.

Eating spaghetti would never be the same...


Unknown said...

I may have been born after this film came out, but I didn't see it until I was ten or so. My perceptions of spaghetti eating remain unaffected.

Anonymous said...

This movie sucks. I hope you choke on your spaghetti.

Anonymous said...

"Lady and the Tramp" is one of the best of the Disney films. It is simply gorgeous, and shows a level of 2D animation skill that is sorely missing today. Watch this movie, and then watch some of the later ones, like "Aladdin". True, "Aladdin" has its charms, but the expertise and lavish attention to detail simply isn't there. Anybody who says this movie sucks should be come back in the next life as a fire hydrant next to a doggy day care. "Lady and the Tramp" is sublime.