It's been a very interesting year to say the least...
I want to thank each and everyone that visited the site and enjoys the news, rumors and commentary by yours truly. It's something I'm extremely thankful for.
So from Blue Sky Disney to all of you, Happy Thanksgiving.
Have a turkey leg on me and don't forget to say your blessings...
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, Honor. Great blog as always!
Thanksgiving rules. I really hate those intellectual types who have a problem with Thanksgiving. They call it a day to celebrate the genocide of indigenous peoples. That's not why we celebrate and I'm not going to feel guilty for crimes I wasn't apart of. Cultural differences aside, there are others who have problems with Thanksgiving, "I-hate-you-mom-I'm-not-coming-down-for-dinner" type problems.
I don't think those people have jobs. Thanksgiving to me is really about the working world getting a chance to connect with their given families or those they choose to call family. The rest of the year is so frantic and stressful but we as a society have made this our collective couple of days of getting together with those we may neglect to see during the rest of the year.
Some may travel home and reconnect with their roots. Those who are on the outs with their family or are unable to travel make dinner arrangements with friends in an attempt to cement those bonds and prop up each other for support. Some hold Thanksgiving orphan dinners and invite those they know who cannot for whatever reason have a true Thanksgiving dinner.
That it falls on a Thursday and we always get a four day weekend is fitting.
For once, we agree on something Spokker.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day! Hehe...
Happy Thanksgiving.
oh.. is it thanksgiving? well in that case, happ day to all americans, i guess.
Happy genocide to the indigenous culture day, I say. If President Obama is for change, he'll abolish this evil holiday.
Awww we love you too che Wha?. No mention of a national holiday would be complete with your insightful remarks.
Now I love Thanksgiving...
But I hate Black Friday.
It's official..
Spokker's a communist.
Stampeding over a man and killing him in an attempt to get $25 off a toaster is what this country is all about!
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