The website for Walt Disney Animation Studios' ABC Special: "Prep & Landing" has went live and added all kinds of content...
There are several preview and making of videos on the site you might like to take a look at. Feel free to enjoy all the details about this wonderful holiday special. I know I've raved about this special before, but it really is worth the hype. It's clever, sweet and beautifully animated. If only all animation on television was this good.
And just so you know, if this special does well over Christmas the Mouse may have more gifts for you over the next few years. So, now who's list are you on?
Be nice...
Highly suprised I can view those videos. I'm looking forward to this. I love Christmas.
Does anyone know about international broadcasting? Is it happening? This year? Pleeeasse!
Kind of hard to believe it took more than a decade since its acquisition for Disney to create an animated holiday special for ABC. It's about time. Looking forward to this.
I cannot wait for this! Only a million times better than last year's "A Miser Brother's Christmas"! While Disney's 2D seems to maintain a unique look with each film, I have to gripe that the characters in P&L look similar to Disney's other CGI. The head elf (lady) looks like the head of the network from BOLT, as does the dog in the house look like Bolt, and the boy whose head is slammed into the door frame looks like Lewis from Robinsons.
So, Santa can't go to a house on his own and needs help? Why is he so inept? :-(
Poor inept Santa.
I assume this will feature all the classic concept of Santa running into problems in homes and putting it on these two elves instead.
It's actually done quite well. And no, Santa is not inept...
I hate to say it, but the way Pixar always seems to have intelligent storytelling, THAT'S the way this feels. Lasseter being there has injected the mandate of making quality animation.
And this is really quality animation that will put Disney back on top...
Oh finally got around to watching the clips on ABC.com. It does look fun. And really that's what Christmas progamming is about isn't it.
How much of Prep have you seen?
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