Thursday, June 17, 2010

Disney's Armada...

It's been one of those days were a particular kind of news just rises above everything else...

Lots of video game news with E3 been going on. The trailer has been released for Disney Interactive's new game, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned." It looks pretty cool. Now if we can just get some in-game footage to see if it flows well.

I feel as though Propaganda Games is to Disney/Marvel as Rocksteady Studios is to Warner/DC Comics. Now, I know the Mouse is wanting to expand the Pirates universe beyond what it is and not rely on Captain Jack Sparrow as much. We'll see if they succeed. I certainly thing the world that this franchise based on a Disneyland attraction is worthy of exploring.

Let's see what port this thing sails us in to...

1 comment:

Fantastic Bore said...

So when are we gonna see Propaganda Games take charge of all the Marvel properties and handle them as well as Rocksteady did with Batman in the "Arkham Asylum" game?

I'd love to see a Fantastic Four game set up like that one!