Monday, June 7, 2010

Gone Phishing...

Busy on top secret BSD stuff...

Now, for one more of those drinks with the umbrella in it...
Sorry for the lack of posts Guys...

Honor is enjoying a nice little reprieve between the real world and Blue Sky.

Blogging will begin shorty...


Anonymous said...

Wow I figured Honor would be all over WWDC and Apple's iPhone 4 announcement. Bluesky hasn't been keeping up on current events.

Spokker said...

Are you saying you do phishing scams where you steal credit cards and socials? Say it ain't so!

Anonymous said...

World of Color yo.

Anonymous said...

Its alright Honor, take off all the time you need. Its not like your obligated to do this blog after all. (I'm being sincere)

By the way, is it just a coincidence that DCA's Blue Sky Cellar website has the domain name of

Woodrow said...

Missing your charm, your wit, and those really cool graphics. Please come back soon.

Honor Hunter said...

Anonymous said:

"Wow I figured Honor would be all over WWDC and Apple's iPhone 4 announcement. Bluesky hasn't been keeping up on current events."

Where do you think I was?

Steve says hi, btw...


Anonymous said...

I know for a fact you weren't at WWDC Honor. ;)

Honor Hunter said...

Hey, I didn't say what Steve I was talking to did I?

It could be Woz...

Steve Wozniak. said...

No, I'm here.