Trying to continually capitalize on the phenomenon that is Miley Cyrus, Walt Disney Studios is currently working on a project to star the former, yes, former star of "Hannah Montana"...
Nicholas Sparks(The Notebook," "A Walk to Remember") is writing the screenplay to feature a non-singing Miley in a role that is intended to broaden her image away from the tween superstar.
Hannah Montana grows up after all...
I'm just happy that Hannah Montana has yet to take over the parks.
Wish I could say the same about a certain Disney Channel Original Movie series.
The question is will she go the way of Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears or will she be able to steer clear of destructive people and destructive decisions? I wish her luck.
Disneyland Resort's third gate:
Hannah Montanaland?
Disney's Cyrus Adventure?
Did we all misinterpret Eisner when he talked about a "Montana Future" for Disneyland's Tomorrowland?
Wish I could say the same about a certain Disney Channel Original Movie series.
HEY! Leave that film series alone! You know that it is well done and does not deserve to get bashed!
Go read 2719 Hyperion's blog entry "Defending the Wildcats" to increase your chances of developing a change of heart.
that film is way overplayed. Its gotten sickening! In ten years once that generation has passed it will be considered just another fad.
That film is way overplayed. Its gotten sickening! In ten years once that generation has passed it will be considered just another fad.
In your opinion maybe, but there is a lot of us who would beg to differ.
I think there stands a VERY good chance that that film franchise will continue to live on, endure and maybe even start to become considered as "classics", even after the current craze dies down.
It's happened with lots of franchises before.
Go read 2719 Hyperion's "Defending the Wildcats" blog entry.
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