Saturday, January 17, 2009

10 Years Later: The Magic's Gone...

Tonight Saturday Night Live had a parody of what would have happened to Aladdin and Jasmin ten years after "Aladdin" and it's pretty funny...

Have a look, but remember it's a little racy.


Anonymous said...

The magic's gone from SNL if you ask me...

Anonymous said...

The magic's gone from EVERYTHING if YOU ask ME.

Spokker said...

"The magic's gone from SNL if you ask me..."

10 years earlier: the magic was gone.

SNL jumped the shark when Norm McDonald left. He was the last funny thing on that show.

Anonymous said...

I just started watching the show and I dissagree. I find it FUNNY. So what some person who's been watching for a long time will think otherwise, I think it's great as it is. DO NOT STATE THE "GOLDEN AGE" JUNK AT ME. If I, and possibly OTHERS who just started watching it find it funny, THEN IT STILL IS.



Anonymous said...

^^Who's asking you?

Anonymous said...

i thought the aladdin SNL skit was pretty lame, actually. it bored me. it was too generic of a husband/wife arguing dialogue. it's very rare to find a good SNL skit in the last couple of years. they seem to stink the place up every Saturday night.