There a lot of things one can collect if they're into Disney...
There is an art sometimes to just packaging. A sculpture sometimes says more than just what it's trying to convey or a DVD collection can be just a thing of beauty. Let's take a look at some of the interesting things that can come from a Mouse....
On video or DVD or Laserdisc even...

Or the lovely way you can showcase music...

Or even the packages that hold the packages...

And speaking of music, check out these maracas from the very talented designer Kevin Kidney...

Or if you wanted to listen to music in the 30's/40's and loved Disney, how about these nice Emerson radios...

Then there's the lovely tomes that are available, even if they're not your cup of tea...

And some that you might find interesting if you, like me, enjoy pirates...

Or these fantastic recreations from Disney classics by Kevin Kidney and Jody Daily...

And if you're looking at these when it starts getting dark you may need a little light. How about this lantern inspired by the "Song of the South" film?

Or if you have a large house, a mansion if you will, then perhaps this table lamp recreation from a prop in the Haunted Mansion...

Me? I prefer this very Arts and Crafts style lamp that focuses on Bambi...

How about a game? Let's play an old classic themed to Disney love...

Perhaps a game of cards...

Into a little nostalgia? How about a replica of the old Hyperion sign from Disney Studios...

And if you're getting a little tired curl up on your bed with one of these Mary Blair art inspired pillows...

Or this beautiful glasswork based on the famous poster from 20K that Kevin Kidney and Jody Daily did...

And you all know how much I love posters, like this one about the Tiki Room is very cool and interesting...

Now if you've got a dog that you know happens to love Disney then these are waiting to be placed around his neck...

And if you're running late you might want to carry one of these...

Sometimes you need to carry that Disney artwork with you and it just won't fit. That's when a themed thumb drive like this comes in handy...

And while we're talking about technology, if you want to carry those Disney tunes around this might make a swell thing to do it with...

I've never been a big lanyard person, but if I were this would be the first thing on my list...

Also there are those really rare or expensive specialty items...

Or for those of you that want to be like John Lasseter there is this...

And if watching the latest Disney film makes you cry, I've got the solution...

Wouldn't you have liked to have had these to send just a few weeks ago...

And lastly, we can't forget the stamps...

Love it. Thank you!
Your creative way of looking at things is great! It concerns the ability to see beauty, or other qualities, independently of the usefulness of these things. The display of Disney objects with your suggestions is great!
Details! Details! We want details!! Where did you find all of these wonderful items??? More importantly, where can we buy them?
I especially like the line "There is an art sometimes to just packaging" it's so true! packaging is probably the most important part, and many people don't realize how it influences their shopping.
P.S disneynorth, If you were a subscriber to the disney catalogue you may recognize a lot of these items from there.
It's a slow news day at the blue sky hq
Another reason why I need to be filthy rich... so I can buy all this stuff!!! Thanks for sharing with us!
Unfortunately/fortunately, I live in Canada, so getting a copy of the catalogue is not an option.....
Yes! Details please! I am a HUGE Song of the South fan and I scour the internet for collectibles and I've never seen that lamp. Enquiring minds want to know!
Brer Dan
You know Mola...
I'd like to do a post about Star Wars items using your collection but I simply don't have the bandwidth!
As for finding these items, some can be found in the Disney store, but others are foreign items and you'll have to try something like e-Bay, and other items I mention the artist so you can google them.
There are details even where you don't think there are...
Actually, I live in Canada, and I have a lot of these things. A lot of it isn't available anymore, like those great LaserDisk box sets, and the limited Disney Store items. I like the A&C Bambi lamp, but I got the Pinocchio one instead.
I've never even seen any of the Japanese items, I assume they were available at TDL at one time.
Looking forward to part 2, or maybe I'll just have a look at Kevin and Jody's portfolio again for now.
That Japanese Ratatouille Box Set is the bomb!
Mola is a Trolla!
Nice stuff, but ultimately useless and space occupiers until the next thing comes along thats even better!!! I used to collect things until I've realized it's completely a waste of money... destined to eBay or kept in boxes never to see the light of day. It's better to have a clean house.
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