It appears that Disney has announced the release date for the DVD/Blu-Ray of "Bolt" according to UltimateDisney...
March 24th.
Both the DVD and Blu-Ray will include the new short we mentioned a while back and it now has a name: "Super Rhino."
I wonder who it could be about?
So, how about that Bob Iger guy getting an 11 percent hike in compensation?
Nah, we'd never hear about that stuff here. HH is too busy with useless This Day In Disney History posts and daily geeky fanatic Disney-worshipping to be critical.
Your artwork is almost right, there should be a Movie Rewards logo in the bottom left corner, and the blu ray frame should be the standard one, you're using the Sleeping Beauty framing with the fleur de lis and Platinum series titling.
The 3 disk Bolt Blu Ray is the one to get, it contains all the extras, a DVD of the film, and one of those pointless digital files of the film.
March 24th 2009
Same day as the Lilo and Stitch 2 Disk Big Wave Edition, the long awaited, much delayed proper release of this movie.
Didja know that Spokker now has a new blog with a very similar name to your blog?
Yeah, I know...
Blue Sky Disney's legal department is busy examining the possibilities of preparing a suit to bring against him.
Of course I could just spread rumors that it's a Communist Disney hating site, couldn't I?
I can't wait to get this DVD. (Don't have Blu-Ray, don't see the point of it). I loved Bolt, a great Disney film (and by "Disney" I'm not just talking about the corporation - I'm talking about the SPIRIT and the HEART). 2009's looking to be an expensive year for me - I'm getting Bolt, Pinocchio and a certain DVD release I've been waiting for a loooooong time - Snow White! Yeah!!!!
Pffft. Spokkers site is a joke. It literally is him being a child and whining cuz he was told not to be a rude dick on another site. He even mentions the issues and bitches about them in his blog, I'm surprised the site hasn't noticed yet and had him remove his links to his blog from their site.
Oddly enough, spokker has been banned from countless sites, causes crap on here, and has already been warned at a site that allowed him to post again.
He's a sick man both childish and rude.
I'm waiting for him to slip up in any way and have the site removed. It'll be fun to watch just to see him get smacked down again for being the ass he is.
Not to worry, Honor. Walt Disney has outed me as a communist from beyond the grave already.
Isn't Spokker's supposed to be the polar opposite of this blog? It almost looks intended that way.
"Nah, we'd never hear about that stuff here. HH is too busy with useless This Day In Disney History posts and daily geeky fanatic Disney-worshipping to be critical."
It appears you're too busy to scroll down.
Sorry to start these talkbacks on that useless tangent, back to the subject, this looks like a nice dvd release with a few nice extras, and a new short featuring our favourite hamster Rhino.
It was an enjoyable film, looking forward to the Blu Ray.
So, how about that Bob Iger guy accepting stock options worth nothing at the moment because the stock has gone down in price due to the bad economy?
HH can do whatever he wants on HIS blog. Only the cowardly would criticize someone for being positive under the guise of anonymity. Welcome to the Internet, land of cowards I guess.
If anonymity helps people get out their true feelings on the Internet then I'm all for it, especially when they are bashing me, lol.
I want to throw a party for my haters and invite them to dinner :)
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