At this years Annie Awards, "Kung Fu Panda" beat out "Wall-E" in every category that they were up against each other...
You can't really blame it on the little guy. After all, he was designed to collect garbage and that Panda, well he was trained to kick butt by an all out Kung Fu master! It was my favorite animated film this year on the Blue Sky Disney Top Ten list, but I love both films so I'm in no way upset by this, but I now have to wonder about the Oscars...

Wow, I gotta say, I didn't expect that.
I loved Kung Fu Panda too, but didn't feel it had enough character development. Thought Walle would take the cake for sure..
I think the Oscars still look hopeful for the little robot though.
Kung Fu Panda was certaily the best thing Dreamworks has ever turned out and a fantastic film even when not comparing it to the sludge that the company has turned out. It's funny, good characters, has a bit of heart (A HUGE departure from DW past films), great action sequences... However, I don't think it was better than Bolt or Wall-E. It had many plot holes and the Furious Five were basically useless and underdeveloped (This excludes the silly Secrets of the Furious Five movie). You could have made that movie with one kung fu master and it would have been exactly the same. Anyway, At least it the awards went to that and NOT Madagascar.
Pixar Envy - it's very sad.
Kung Fu Panda wasn't as 'topical' as I was expecting, and made it a movie you could get lost in. It was beautiful and just as good as Wall-E in that regard. I just feel that Wall-E was so much more original and unique, much like Monsters Inc.
Not sure I like this news.
well deserved. I hate to say this but Wall-E is incredibly overrated. It's a poorly constructed love story that suddenly turned into a message movie for no reason. Kung Fu Panda is a far more enjoyable film and it's also superior animation-wise with much more complex movement and choreography involved.
and to whoever said that KFP had a lot of plot holes, name one.
and the Furious Five served their purpose narratively they were the reason Po was interested in Kung Fu and were vital to advancing the story...even moreso than say, MO or any of the malfunctioned robots and humans in WALL-E all of whom you couldn't care less for.
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