Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Episode 3...

Wow, those folks up north at Lucasfilm really aren't wasting any time...

With the second season of the Clone Wars just ended, they've already got a teaser trailer out for the next season of the series (the Third Season if you haven't been counting). That's working fast and using great marketing. In this ADD world, keeping people interested in what is waiting ahead is very important. Even for something as world renowned as Star Wars.

Nice Jedi mind trick...


Star Bores said...

God no. Make it stop. For the love of God please make Star Wars stop.

Jedi Master Jim said...



- Old Jedi Proverb

Doopey said...

Seriously, it's a pretty fun show. I don't want to overstate it, but I kinda think it's more satisfying to watch than the prequel films. The characterization of Anakin is much better than it was in the prequels. He actually comes across as heroic in the cartoon, as opposed to just whiny and irritating.

Anonymous said...

I've thoroughly enjoyed both seasons and while they aren't perfect, I'm looking forward to season 3.

Dark Mall said...

You are all a bunch of tools! I thought Honor was ridiculous defending Lucas, but you lemmings take the cake!

Any WHY is this stuff on a Disney website?