I've always wanted to attend this gathering and especially tonight...
Why tonight? Because this evening at the "All Things D" conference Steven Paul Jobs, Disney's Largest Shareholder, Master of the Universe, Apple CEO and ruler of all that is/are cool will be speaking there for the first time since 2007. If you've never seen an All Things D discussion and you're a tech geek then you're in for a very frank treat. I'm sure when it's all over quotes and some video will start to leak out providing plenty of ink for old and new media alike.
One more thing...
The resemblance between Steve Jobs in that picture to Emperor Palpatine is uncanny.
Now that's just mean. Me as Palpatine?
If you want a good pic of someone who should be the Emperor then check out Honor's "The Turn" post and examine that classic graphic.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a function to attend.
Hey Steve, where's my Bluray Mac?
Of course you realize the fact that using my copyrighted names without my express written permission is a violation of intellectual property and is subject to legal litigation. You will be hearing from my attorneys.
You must be kidding. That technology is so yesterday. People want instant downloadable content, not some cheap tangible media locked in a format from the last century. Get with the picture and leave the past behind.
Oh, and no, Flash is not going to be supported by Apple. Deal with it.
Now please leave me alone, Walt Mossberg is asking me another question. Stop interrupting me, I have to finish this and call John Lasseter about that "new" project we're working on.
I downloaded The Hurt Locker to my mac with bit-torrent so sue me.
I will.
I downloaded The Hurt Locker to my mac with bit-torrent so sue me.
Don't need to . You're spending the time to download the Hurt Locker is it's own punishment.
Hey Steve, one more thing... don't you have some nerd conference you're supposed to be speaking at?
I was.
It ended a half an hour ago. It would have ended an hour ago, but you dumbos keep texting me.
Please stop, or I'll have your iTunes accounts suspended.
OH NOES NOT iToons!!!!
I get my my music DRM free off the torrents anyways so you'd be doing me a favor anyway.
Thanks Steve!
Hey Guys,
Come on. Talk about me! I'm getting the feeling you think I'm irrelevant or something?
Bill you aren't a Disney shareholder so you have no say in this.
Oh no. I'm never going to get rid of that guy. He's like the nerd that wanted to hang around you from band.
Bill, please stop posting. I didn't give you my cell number for a reason. Oh, and John Lasseter says your computers in his render farm keep crashing so they're moving over to OS X finally.
Just like Google.
But seriously people, I am busy. Stop sending me stupid little messages, ok? I have to create the next insanely great thing.
I didn't know Blue Sky had such powerful readers...
No, I'm not talking about you Bill.
Steve, just wanted to say that I LOVE my iPad.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have an oil spill to clean up.
You should have started cleaning the oil spill a month ago Barack.
Heh heh, Obama cleaning an oil spill with his *ahem* "iPad."
What's next, Steve? iWipe?
I read the transcript from this last night. Lots of interesting things to say. I enjoyed it.
Honor, the videos of Steve Jobs at All Things D last night are available here:
And, by the way, i too have an Ipad since last friday (release date in France and Europe) and it's a wonder. The screen is gorgeous and the software part as usual with Apple is amazing. I predict a HUGE uccess to the IPad.
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