Now this is cool...
I can see Decadent Dave is going to be spending a lot of money come this October. The pics of the toys that the Mouse is going to seduce geeks with this fall for "Tron Legacy" are starting to come out.
What if you wanted to have your keyboard look Tron-swanky?

And of course, you need a mouse.

Or maybe you want to have a tricked out tv remote?

Then you have to have a nice sound system for your iPhone that looks like a Tron Disc.

And everyone wants their own collectible villain.

How about this nice poster for the Zero G Light Cycle, cool huh?

Then again, forget the poster. I want the actual thing.

Or even better, Flynn's Light Cycle.

And you're going to have to write that check out for all this, right?

Start preparing to break open that piggy bank...
All artwork is copyright Disney.
You failed to mention that the Zero G Light Cycle actually drives on walls and the ceiling:
Only if the keyboard and mouse were wireless and for a Mac. ;)
The Lightcycles will be mine.
I believe the tv remote is a wii controller
That's not a TV remote, it's a Nintendo Wii controller.
The forth picture is a wii remote, not a tv remote. See the home button and the 1 and 2 buttons on the bottom?
Not to be that guy, but that's a Wii remote, not a TV one. Just a heads up.
I kinda want to marry that keyboard.
it's not a tv remote, it's a wii remote
This little piggy cries "Wii, wii, wii" all the way home.
Is that a wii remote?
Is that an iPhone or an ITouch?
Wii Remote . . . I'm assuming the Tron Legacy games will also be released for the Wii (the only gaming platform I own). I mean, come on.
Uhm, I actually meant it as a joke guys...
I know it's a Wii. Being as I am a PS3 owner, it was intended as a bit of humor.
You guys didn't take it as that.
Sadly, if fell flat...
Boring. Is that fluorescent blue strip supposed to signify that it is a Tron product tie-in? So its Blue and Black. Tron colors.
Okay, I'll keep my money in my bank account.
They illuminate with blue flourescent lights like the circuits in Tron. I think that's pretty cool. Don't have a Wii, I have a PS3. Tron Evolution will be avialable for it but sadly without a cool glowing controller :(
Where's more articles by Dave? I remember reading his stuff here last year, why don't you let him do more stuff, Honor?
Afraid of a little competition?
Hey, I've tried to get him to do more articles, but DD just doesn't seem to want to.
Perhaps you could start a petition or something...
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