Today is the last day that "Golden Dreams", one of the opening attractions at Disney's California Adventure will be available for guest to experience. The public will no longer be able to enjoy it once the park closes.
Come the beginning of the new year work will begin on "The Little Mermaid" attraction and soon Dreams will be nothing but a memory.
If you haven't seen it in a while, or you just haven't seen it at all, this is your last chance...
Do you know if they're planning on releasing the film on DVD?
Oddly enough, ten years ago today Mr. Toad's Wild Ride closed in WDW.
It is also the LAST day for High School Musical 2.
(Alas, High School Musical 3 is coming in late October)
The less said about that, the better...
So is Mr. Toad's Wild Ride as cool as they say? It HAD to have been better than that cheap Pooh ride that replaced it. That Pooh thing is completely charmless and startlingly bland. And that's a new low for the Pooh franchise.
Hey Honor, is the Muppet attraction still going into the Yesterland dustbin? I hope to god YES. When I've walked past it the last few months, it's been startingly empty. Sure something better, and more Disney, could put the space to better use?
"So is Mr. Toad's Wild Ride as cool as they say?"
Yes. The one in California is different than the one in Florida was, though.
I think "Muppets" just needs an update, it still draws in families. On the other hand, I think Disney could afford to get rid of Honey I Shrunk the Audience, that place is always empty, and very out of date.
Sad, as this was a very nice attraction for people to learn a bit about California.
I'm from Europe and loved the attraction. The story was moving and it was very nicely done, as only Disney can do.
Sad that this small, but beautiful attraction has to leave the park...
So long Golden Dreams :(
I saw it for the first time Thursday knowing it was closing today. It made me want to burn down the building... it made me hate the state of California as it focused on all the negative racial aspects of the state and none of its great positives. My friend was surprised Disney would greenlight such a downer film.
Here's the thing, the film pretty much goes through negative aspects of California history, and how cultures were abolished, tarnished, or ridiculed by the white man, and anything positive that has ever happened in the history of California was the work of Whoopie Goldberg.
I gained two things out of seeing the film- horrible nightmares of Whoopie Goldberg statues eating me, and an inside joke with me and my friends that Whoopie Goldberg is always around us making little positive things happen (like right now I'd bet shes watching over my microwaveable burritos so they wont burn).
Good riddance. Bring on the Little Mermaid, and down the line a more positive outlook on CA whenever they get to the Walt Disney story...
I think that the anonymous comment (from September 7, 2008 2:26 PM) hit the nail right on the head.
i think it went great with the whole area, but look what we have to look forward to the great little mermiad ride
Bring on The Little Mermaid!
I would think it would be smarter to keep the Muppets around and then update the attraction around the time that the new movie comes out (and the rumored TV show). To not have an attraction to cross-promote with new franchise developments would seem foolish.
(I don't go to Disney frequently enough for the attraction, in WDW, to ever get old for me.)
Construction on The Little Mermaid won't begin until late 2009--at the earliest. The theater is closing simply because it require four CMs to run the theater. An average show will get 15 or so guests each hour. (This theater used to have shows every half-hour.) The theater will actually stay operational so that students attending one of Disney's education programs can "enjoy" (as you say) the movie through the end of the 2008-2009 school year.
Golden Dreams: So long to a piece of history. I have to say this wasn't a favorite attraction--I only saw it once and it wasn't until my 4th or 5th visit to DCA. It attempted a very lofty goal and had high production values....but it is a difficult thing to talk about history and have it come off as sincere and genuine. For me the mistake was having someone as recognizable as Whoopi representing the spirit of California. An unknown actor would have worked better. It was flawed, but it WAS one of those original Disney attractions NOT tied to a character, and for that I will miss it.
Speaking of characters, yes, Mr. Toad rocked and rocks still at Disneyland. The MK version was superior though, having two separate tracks with differing scenes. While simple, it simply has tons of charm.
And Muppets: The movie is simply horribly outdated, harkening back to when "virtual reality" was cool with way too much emphasis on that robot character. I would LOVE a new movie that focuses on the Muppets in a classic setting. Even better, I would love to have their version of the Movie Ride. sigh. I agree, though, that Honey I Shrunk the Audience is ready to go!
Brer Dan
Honor said: "The less said about that, the better..." (High School Musical 3).
Just know that the HS2 Parade is a highlight of our trips to DCA.
If you tried "imagining" the attractions through the eyes of say, a six year old girl, as opposed to a grown man, you might have a better feel for the topics you're writing about. (at least in regards to the parks).
When my little girl was pulled out of the crowd to dance with the performers of HS2, it was like a dream to her. Imagine if Brad Bird asked you out for coffee after a lecture.
I hope for you, that someday you get to experience ALL of what Walt envisioned for his parks..."for children everywhere".
But in that instance the logic that anonymous (above) is using is that every six year old girl likes High School Musical. My six year old daughter hates it. It all depends on which six year old's eyes you look through.
Getting back to Golden Dreams... I honestly say I won't miss it. Mr. Toad I do miss in Florida, though.
>"But in that instance the logic that anonymous (above) is using is that every six year old girl likes High School Musical. My six year old daughter hates it. It all depends on which six year old's eyes you look through."<
I know six year old kids who don't like lots of things at Disneyland...should we shut those attractions down?
Strange, frankly, elitist logic.
I was never able to see Golden Dreams. :(
Good riddance Golden Dreams and Whoopi Goldberg, God of California who made every positive thing in California's history happen.
Oh, and good riddance to the SCARY F'ING STATUES!!
People, this is a comment section for a blog, its meant for people to make comments about the author's posts, not to argue with one another. This is not a freaking message board.
But I will say that the Anonymous comment (from September 8, 2008 1:13 PM) makes a very, VERY good point.
Anyway, Golden Dreams was a nice film, but its time to move on to better things.
The Walt Disney story film they have planned is sure to mention the state of California.
"Sad, as this was a very nice attraction for people to learn a bit about California."
It doesn't teach much, but it does kind of get you to go and research the topics presented in the movie if you're the right kind of person.
It was cheesy, the song at the end was corny, and it was just okay. Not sad to see it go, but it wasn't awful.
Here's hoping that The Little Mermaid ride is going to be as spectacular as the rumors say it will be.
"People, this is a comment section for a blog, its meant for people to make comments about the author's posts, not to argue with one another. This is not a freaking message board."
Thanks Internet Police.
"It made me want to burn down the building... it made me hate the state of California as it focused on all the negative racial aspects of the state and none of its great positives."
Actually, this was one of its redeeming qualities for me.
But you're crazy if you think the film is a downer. Despite the portrayals of racism and Chinese people blowing up, it's pretty saccharine otherwise.
"Thanks Internet Police."
Youre welcome jerk.
I thought this comment section wasn't for arguments...
Did anyone else it was weird to have Whoopi Goldberg be the spirit of California? Isn't she from New York? I would have thought they could have cast someone better and that would have made the whole experience better.
This exchange made me laugh out loud! two points for Spokker!
Anonymous said...
"Thanks Internet Police."
Youre welcome jerk.
September 8, 2008 9:42 PM
Blogger Spokker said...
I thought this comment section wasn't for arguments...
Honor, I am the same anonymous that was insulted by Spokker here.
Since you are now moderating comments, could you please delete Spokker's smart ass comments here? You can also delete mine if you see fit.
Its not pleasant looking through these archives and getting an annoying reminder of the past.
I know that this is an old topic, but since the Little Mermaid ride is really talking shape now (plus, I've been poking through the archives) I wanted to say a few things;
First, as long as the topic was touched upon here; I just have to say that there really SHOULD be "Internet Police"
More than half of the comments on the Internet in general are nothing but flame wars and nonsense.
And since I've been looking through these old comments, I have to say that Spokker really DOES act like a "jerk". After all, he didn't get banned from several message boards for nothing!
But enough rambling;
While Golden Dreams was a very beautiful and inspirational show, it is for the best that it was removed.
In the end, it was just a movie, the statues were a nice touch, but it needed Disney touches. Perhaps a few animatronics would have made it more interesting.
And perhaps it would have been better being placed at the front of the park, but whatever the reason, it did have bad attendance. That's a fact, and Disney will always take attendance into account when deciding if an attraction should be removed.
So, I know I'm late, but I want to say; Thanks for the memories Golden Dreams. I enjoyed my first time seeing the film.
Mermaid ride or not, the show would have NEVER lasted forever.
I'm really looking forward to the Little Mermaid ride! :-)
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