Within a matter of hours(literally) Byron Howard and Nathan Greno will have their first test as the new directors of Disney's long gestating film, "Rapunzel." Their first up on reels story boarded pitch, a first pass if you will, will be seen by Lasseter and the crew.
Here's wishing upon a star that they've been able to navigate beyond the story problems that resulted in Glen Keane being removed from the director's chair.
I'm crossing my fingers for you guys...
So BlueSkyDisney officially takes the stance that the matter of Glen Keanes health is all bullshit.
But Glen Keane is executive producer and directors will have to respect his vision of history that will, I think, intense, dark and musical, set in 1700.
It would be amazing that Disney adapt, sooner or later, THE SNOW QUEEN, and in 2D, and also, with music by Alan Menken and Glenn Slater.
Or Harsha turn back witn GOOSE CHASE, other Brother Grimm Fable.
I think the idea of Disney adapting "The Snow Queen" to 2D would be terrific. That could be an angsty, magical, gorgeous movie.
If Dean Wellins willn´t director of Rapunzel, at least, we hope that Lasseter has given a good project to direct.
I don't remember, but Wellins was involved in canceled projects like DON QUIXOTE (ballet) and SNOW QUEEN in 2001 and 2002.
The Russian version of the Snow Queen is excellent, Ghibli liked this version and presented this Russian animation to the Japanese public. Could be hard to Disney to make this story, with such good antecedent.
Hey Honor. Did you hear anything about how this went?
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