One of the reasons that Pixar is the company that it is is that it respects the talent it has. There are many things big and small that the Lamp has done to earned their appreciation and loyalty. In a word...
An example of that gratitude is the Pixar Awards that were recently given out. Employees that had been working there for ten years got a Golden Buzz statue with their name on it with the words "10 Years of Passion & Commitment" which is very, very cool.
Even better and more exclusive were the Pixar Awards given to those employees that had been with Pixar for twenty years... a Golden Woody statue.
Hat Tip to The Pixar Blog.
Main photo from Jayfish.
Pixar is such a class act. BTW I love your new header. ;)
They are too nice...
Someone had to say it...
"I'm not sure I would want a Golden Woody!"
I never said I was classy.
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