The MTV Movie Blog got Robert Zemeckis to let loose with some exciting geek news. Let's just cross our finger that it's not turning the rabbit into some CG version. He's a 2D character no matter if he's in a 3D world. But I'll wait and see what comes to fruition. Color me interested.
Aw I love Roger and would love to see a new movie, even a new short would be welcomed!
As for CGI Roger, I recall reading somewhere that Eric Goldberg once did some Roger CGI tests for a sequel to show the animated/live action combination could be done cheaper then hand drawn. Which I wouldn't mind. CG Roger could look hand drawn with today's technology.
What concerns me is Zemeckis and his mo-cap obsession. How would that work in a Roger sequel?
Unless, he were to use it to bring back to the screen some younger (or alive) version of Hollywood stars. Didn't the official book sequel "who plugged roger rabbit?" feature Clark Gable?
Roger Rabbit is the worst movie on Earth. (That doesn't include the attraction at Disneyland's Toontown)
No sequel! For the good of mankind, let there be no sequel!
You obviously haven't seen enough moves, Anonymous.
Such a great take on film noir, I wouldn't mind seeing another go at it.
This is one of my most favorite movies of all time. Classic and flawless in every way. I am sick of Hollywood remaking everything, even the classics, have they really run out of ideas?, have they really run out of original ideas?, cause this is just lazy and uncreative. We need new and original material, like PIXAR's stuff. Some remakes I'm great with, like the Mummy, Frankenstein, the Wolfman, maybe even Dracula. Doing it in a more creative way while staying true to the original, that's how you do it. Reboots like Batman, which was great, aren't the same thing, plus their making True Grit more close to the novel this time around. I hate Zemeckis' new mo-cap technique, really bad movies he's made with it. We don't need a sequel to Roger Rabbit,it doesn't matter if its' CG or 2D, it shouldn't be made, period.
As long as it's not all CGI, I'm fine with it (although I'm not including CGI-generated effects in that statement). What Zemeckis needs to focus on is good scripting and heart. The original film was rather lacking in both.
Every thing Zemeckis does nowadays is based on performance capture technology, I'm sure Roger wont be an exception to this. On one hand it would be a good move to do a sequel in 3D because 3D and live action is still a novelty, 2D animation mixed with live action is not as impressive today. (At least to the average movie goer) On the other hand a CGI roger rabbit betrays the original story.
Performance capture technology takes great stories and turns them into crap.
PPPPPlease don't ruin Roger with that.
WFRR is a classic, a complete joy in every way.
Let's remember what Walt once said, "You can't top pigs with pigs." I vote we leave this memory alone.
"I am sick of Hollywood remaking everything, even the classics, have they really run out of ideas?, have they really run out of original ideas?, cause this is just lazy and uncreative. We need new and original material, like PIXAR's stuff."
Toy Story 2?
Toy Story 3?
Cars 2?
Monsters, Inc. 2?
That kind of new and original Pixar stuff?
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