A Loooooooooooooooooooooong time ago...
Sixty-six years ago today in a small town up in Northern California...
George Walton Lucas Jr. was born. A near-death car crash right before his high school graduation forced him to consider another career path(he wanted to be a race car driver) and made him focus on something different at the local community college. He developed an interest in making films... Modern cinema would never be the same. He gave my childhood a constant wonder and my adulthood a continual pain. But I'm so very happy he decided to do that little takeoff on Saturday matinee serials. I owe him greatly for that.
Happy Birthday to the Father of the Force...
george lucas ruined star wars and indiana jones all in the timespan of 11 years
Happy birthday George. Please retire and stop making movies.
As much as I love the original star wars and indiana jones, this madness must end. Enough said.
Yeah, George, either bring back Luke and Leia and Han and Chewbacca or just let the damn franchise die. Clone Wars sucks Bantha butt. BIG TIME.
Just keep in mind guys, regardless of what has gone on since 1999, George has changed the concept of what a movie is for the better. He advanced filmaking by leaps and bounds both in the 70s-80s, and in the 2000s with the prequels.
No George has destroyed the concept of the movie blockbuster for the worse and because of the prequels we now have crap like Transformers 2, G.I. Joe and Iron Man 2. CGI summer crap fests with no plot or character development.
Because of the prequels we also have the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Avatar...
Sure, if you don't like big action/SFX laden films, you're not going to like it regardless.
I think your problem may be to pick the proper films to see. If you went into G.I. Joe expecting anything above crap then you need to think more before you go see a movie and give your money away.
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