This just in...
Nikke Finke over at Deadline Hollywood is reporting that "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" will be in 3D!!!
TOLDJA! Amazing! Unbelievable! A revelation! I am stunned that this has happened! Nowhere on the web have I...
yes we get it you're good at what you do.
You got screwed again, Honor. I just posted that they could've found in April if they visited your site.
Checked back few minutes later and my comment was taken down.
I guess Nikke wants everyone to think she broke this. HACK!
I saw that! Hehe..
But Nikke is not a hack, but she doesn't really credit others who scoop her and sometimes she rewrites her stories to take out information that was wrong without noting it.
Not really what a "professional" journalist should do.
Comingsoon.net also has it up on their site. I wonder if a press release was leaked to these sites.
Anyhoo, I also made a comment on both sites about seeing it here first. Continue what you do, this industry is beyond aggressive and you have to fight for survival.
Deadline reported it was finally approved by Rich Ross ... which I'm guessing it probably was
It was approved over a month ago...
Just like I reported. They just announced it today. Disney has known this since April.
Just like everyone who reads this blog...
No, keep it going honor. As I've said before, Micechat has openly deleted information so that they can boast breaking it there 1st... you need to keep your news going strong and showing people where info comes from 1st and who 1st had the scoop. It's a matter of showing the truth.
No doubt those who tell you to get over yourself are micechat users trying to silence you so Senor Lutz can 'break' the news instead.
Stick by my comment earlier -- Nikki merely reported it was finally approved, not breaking the news that they were considering 3D. Not sure that's a huge scoop in the first place but perhaps some other readers here do. I read your blog fairly regularly, and while I do think you catch interesting themes of what's happening or about to, there can be a maddening lack of detail at times. In terms of theme park news, I think that is where other sites may have a leg up.
Ahhh, makes sense now, that's why they wanted busty models to apply/audition! ;)
You got screwed over, Honor, and you have a right to be ticked about it. And Miceage is a hole these days. The Gay Days people pretty much run the place now.
Gay Day peeps and a few 'supreme overlord' users who run the place...
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