All those rumors swirling around about Tron 2 only became more applified when Jim Hill published that story about Lasseter's involvement the other day...
It appears that Harry over at Ain't It Cool News got an e-mail from Steven Lisberger himself and got some soothing clarification on the matter.
Jim Hill got pwned :)
How is that? Lisberger didn't really say anything that contradicted the article. He IS going to be a producer on it. He's NOT going to be the director. The script WON'T be by him. Sounds to me like Hill got it right. Maybe he was dramatic with it, but it sounds like Lasseter or whoever wants a stronger story than the original.
I couldn't agree more.
Jim Hill didn't report anything real, the news that Joseph Kosinski was directing and Horowitz & Kitsis were writing dates back to the fall. It was reported in the trades. Hill is a clown with nothing to add to any discussion.
"Jim Hill didn't report anything real"
And neither was Lisberger's e-mail to Harry. He said absolutely nothing which contradicted Hill's article.
Of course Lisberger is only going to say positive things regarding the powers who now control the reigns at Disney. I'm sure he is bound by his contractual obligations to receive Producer credit and payment for his services. In this business nobody wants to burn their "bridges." ;)
The gatekeeper is helping them. Bring in the logic probe!
No, seriously, those of you who continue to profess a belief in the Users will receive the standard substandard training that will result in your eventual elmination.
Okay, okay. Hey, hey, hey, it's the big Master Control Program everybody's talking about.
Seriously, I couldn't give a fig about Jim Hill. I'm just glad Tr2n is in the pipeline and, I hope, actually going to get made. I'm so stoked.
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