On this date twenty years ago, the groundbreaking for Euro Disneyland begins...
Thus is laid the seeds of the McPark. If only Eisner had planned less hotel rooms the financial fiasco that resulted wouldn't have happened and plans would have moved forward for much grander projects in America. Maybe even Euro Disneyland's Second Gate "Disney-MGM Studios Europe" would have been built instead of the only park Disney has built that was truly NOT a Disney park(yes, even more so than DCA).
Then again, looking on the positive side...
Just think of all the construction workers who'll be employed over the next decade fixing Eisner's mistakes? They'd be out of a job right now, thus contributing to the downturn in the economy.
Still, 16 years after DLP grand opening, Eisner's hotels are full, and recent additions to the WDS (Toon Studio and Tower of Terror) are really making DLRP a nicer Disney destination.
Give more time to DLRP, it become better with time (like wine;-)
I'm not ragging the resort...
I happen to find DLP very lovely and think it's castle is my favorite. I was referring to WDSP which is horrible. It's better now than it was when built, but it truly is the worse Disney theme park created and that's saying a lot considering my criticism of DCA.
As for the hotels being full... that's now. When it opened there were thousands of rooms left unused... that was my point. Things are looking up now, but Eisner's decision to over-build hotels left devastating aftershocks for the future theme parks. It's just now that the healing has started to begin...
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