Friday, August 29, 2008

There's Something Old, That's New, That's Missing...

Notice something different in the advertising for Disney's new animated offerings?

They're no longer using a certain word...

Walt Disney Pictures "Presents" has slowly became just the simple Walt Disney Pictures.

A subtle change.

One that most people won't notice...

But it's just the latest in a long line of changes for the better.

And that's a good thing...


Aldebaran said...

I don't understand why it's a good thing...

It sounds like they're proud to offer the movie "we proudly present"... it's more... regal.

Why drop it? And why is that for the better?

Matt said...

I did a double take when I read "good thing."

How is that a good thing...

Anonymous said...

I think Honor was talking about all the changes that are going on inside the animation department. I believe the removal of the "presents" is a symbol of the wiping away of the Eisner past.

That's my two-cents.

Spokker said...

I don't get it either.

Anonymous said...

"But it's just the latest in a long line of changes for the better.

And that's a good thing... "

He's talking about this being just the latest change in whole bunch, guys. It's all part of the animation department. Sheesh, it's not that hard to get.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get it... and I are smart.

Kevbot said...

Honor, count me among the people who aren't really sure what you meant by "better." Is that because "Walt Disney Pictures Presents" should be more for stuff they distribute, like Nightmare Before Christmas?

corruption said...


Count me among those that don't get this post either, unless it's about ownership/pride:

1. "Walt Disney Pictures Presents Bolt" is not about "owning" the property.

2. "Walt Disney's Bolt" is.

Is this what you mean? Either way, it's just probably some silly change from TWDC's legal department more than some Lasseterian mandate. But hey, I could be wrong

Justin said...

Even better would be:

"Walt Disney Animation Studios"

Anonymous said...

Presenting could just be distributing someone elses work, while Walt Disney's shows ownership.