Kind of...
Many of us have wondered what some of the projects that Disney's new comic book company would be working on... Speculation has run from many theme park attractions to several lesser known films. I can tell you that one of the project it's working on....
It appears that Kingdom Comics is working on new stories featuring Elliot the lovable Dragon from "Pete's Dragon" back in those bellbottomed 70's. Not sure if or how much Pete will play into this, if at all, but the primary focus will be on Elliot.
It's not known if this will lead to a film project, but that was one of the original intentions of Kingdom; to develop properties that could be turned into games, television and film crossovers.
Wow...great start. I'm interested to see how this play's out. I would have guessed Blackbeard's Ghost, Dr. Syn, or the Black Hole as initial outings. I hope someone eventually tackles condorman!
Where'd you hear that Pete's Dragon was a specific project?
Condorman? Uhm... no.
Please, no...
And Neal, I can't tell you how I know because if I did people would get in trouble. That's what happens when you reveal sources. I don't. But it is in the works.
I remember hearing years ago that a Pete's Dragon sequel was being talked about, and that it was going to be about deforestation- this was 91 or so. Who knows if talked about meant "someone threw out this idea" or "a script was written". While I like the idea of a sequel (even a CGI Elliot?), the chances of it being done right, or shall we say, making everyone happy, are probably as likely as Doc Terminus becoming an honest man.
I thought the creators had said that they were only planning adaptations of properties that are not being considered for new movies.
So I'm not sure a Pete's Dragon 2 would immediately be in mind if this is going ahead.
Interesting though.
Honor - I totally understand. I didn't quite mean 'who do you work for?!?!'... I have plenty of my own sources for my news site. I had read about the Kingdom Comics panel on Jim Hill. I just wondered if you surmised Pete's Dragon was a project or knew. You knew. And that's cool. I'm excited.
It's funny, someone e-mailed me that Jim had talked about Kingdom...
I didn't know that he did post on it actually. Our stories just happen to run closely together. My source had mentioned it in a broader talk we were having and I posted it thinking it would be interesting since nothing has been announced.
And nothing will till summer...
Hey, this sounds like a great idea. I can see Elliot attaching himself to a new child (after all, he solved Pete's problems in the film, and left when Pete didn't need him anymore). But I hope it isn't going to be some kind of Al Gore save-the-planet-type garbage. Leave that to "funny" cartoons like Futurama.
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