I don't know whether to take this as a rumor or a threat...
Now I'm not against a new Indiana Jones film. I was eagerly looking forward to Crystal Skull until I actually saw it. You can look at my post up until the moment I saw the film. What I'm against is another mediocre Indiana Jones film. I wonder what MacGuffin they're going to have Junior go after next? I can only cross my fingers and hope that this isn't Lucas' hand off to Shia with Indy being a mentor. I'd have to activate that crack team of operatives we have here at Blue Sky Headquarters to go in and destroy Skywalker Ranch. It would have to be done. Have to, I say!
Read the story, decide for yourself, pray for a miracle and prepare for George Lucas to lower his quality batting average again...
Nothing can beat Indiana Jones trying to steal Dan Akyroyds vodka.
Why do you keep getting yopur hopes up for something you know no longer exists?
We got American Graffiti, 2 good Star Wars movies (#4 & 5 on thr 6-film arc) and 1 and a half good Indy movies (1st and most of 3rd).
That's all we're going to get.
Let it go and be free of the burden.
Temple of Doom is a masterpiece. One of the best action films ever made.
Temple of Doom IS a masterpiece compared to Skull. I'd rather see G.I. Joe than Indy 5.
I liked Indy 4! It might of been overloaded with CGI in places but I don't understand the biggest complaint that the aliens thing was too "out there". All the other indy films had something crazy going on...melting faces, a beating heart taken out of a man...and he LIVES, and than the guy who drank from the wrong cup so he shriveled into a corpse... Aliens? yeah...that's right. aliens
Temple of Doom was great, all the originals were, but Raiders is the best. Indy 4 was the worst people have to understand because a great icon like Indy going up against aliens defeats the purpose of the character. It was the worst storyline ever. Everything about the 4th one was terrible, including the CGI, which ruins Indiana Jones because did the original have CGI? NOOO! None of them did, they're all practical effects which were the best. Spielberg said it would be only 15% visual effects, it was 90%. He's gotten too digital with his movies and Lucas can't think of anything good anymore. The only thing that will make up for the failure that was Indy 4 is probably Staff of Kings, Indy 4 is a combination of effects and money vs. focus on story and direction.
The reason the aliens in Indy 4 were so "out there" was because they're a ridiculous storyline for the greatest adventure icon of all time. All three originals had a supernatural element to them, the 4th did not, they decided to use aliens which just made it worse, Lucas only used them because he grew up in the 50's with the Red Scare and the alien conspiracies, Area 51 stuff. You can't do that for an Indian Jones film, it goes against all Indy stands for.
(same anonymous with the "out there" comment)
I can see why people didn't like it when it comes to the overload of CGI...but that doesn't affect the story or by extention how good the movie is.
The aliens thing was not out there to me. It's "supernatural" to the culture they were centering on. They worshiped the aliens! remember? It's their religion! Just like all the other indy's were centered on finding religious artifacts. Aerican people are just used to their own religions...most of witch don't worship Aliens.
It isn't a rumor. Frank Marshall confirmed it on his Twitter yesterday.
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