Thursday, June 18, 2009

A More Detailed Frog...

The official website for "The Princess and the Frog" has gotten an update..

Prepare for November/December. Whoo hoo!

Lots of pretty graphics, games and info...


Anonymous said...

The site is cool, but from what I can tell, there isn't really anything new since the last time you made a post about it.
Am I missing something?

Another Anonymous said...

Many of the links were dead. They just said "Coming Soon" I believe. Now most have some content.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I hope they don't decide to do a retheme of the Blue Bayou after this movie.

swi! said...


Anonymous said...

/\ Not sure about that.
But one thing is for sure, they will really be promoting this movie in New Orleans Square. They would not miss out on such a chance.

Anonymous said...

...BTW, in case anyone is unsure, I said "Not sure about that" in response to the Blue Bayou comment.

Aldebaran said...

Off-Topic: Where's that post about Disney's shorts program promised last week? I was looking forward to it.

nojarama said...

Hurrah! I sooooooo can't wait for this fabulous film!