Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mars = Utah...

Wow, finally "John Carter of Mars" is going to be shooting in Utah during November...

After decades of failed attempts the film is actually going to be made by Andrew Stanton. And he's a fan so he "gets" it. It appears that the script is going to be much more faithful than that awful updated screenplay I read in the late 90's. It's funny, because Tom Cruise was apparently interested in playing the character (again, since he was somewhat connected to the project back in the early 90's when Disney was going to do it with John McTiernan). It never happened, Jeffrey Katzenber (remember when he used to do live-action films as well?) and McTiernan couldn't agree on a budget. And during the holidays a film that sci-fi geeks the world over will actually be filming at Lake Powell (remember the original "Planet of the Apes" film?). So cool.

Now, we should start hearing about who will be playing this iconic character very soon. I'm trying to imagine who will play this part. Hmmm...


Colt said...

Living Utah I can say that Lake Powell and a good chunk of eastern and southern Utah look a lot like Mars.

Anonymous said...

We wish them luck, this could be great!

Luke said...

Who wants to bet we get some casting info at comic con (or more appropriately, the cast is leaked a couple of weeks before Comic Con).

This is probably the Disney film I'm looking the second most forward to, right behind King of the Elves.

Anonymous said...

Your hunch was correct, Honor. The Hollywood Reporter has just announced that Taylor Kitsch has been signed to play John Carter, and Lynn Collins will play Dejah Thoris.

Wolverine said...

I know who you are Gaymbit.