
While waiting for that announcement I thought I'd address something stories/perspectives floating around the Internet the last few days...
There are several stories circulating that the Walt Disney Company capitulated and gave in to "all" the demands that the Hong Kong Government was asking/demanding. I obviously haven't been privy to all the inside workings of this deal, I will tell you that that is not the case.
The problem was mainly a product of the deal that was negotiated when they were planning the park(thank you, Mike Eisner!). Despite what people are saying, the Mouse has always been willing to pony up more for the expansion. Way more. The problem was the original agreement gave the HK Government Officials a virtual veto over any of these plans. The disappointing opening of the park has cause an almost emotional reaction as a retaliation for the less than stellar results. Most of the attempts that Disney Officials have made at expanding the park were met with clear "NO'S" from the regional officials. This is what caused Iger, Rasulo and company to finally say enough is enough and put each party in a giant game of chicken.
They essentially called those government officials bluff and it looks to have worked. After they stopped work on the project and did so in such a public way, the Hong Kong Government appears to have stopped whining and realized their position. The exact details of the project should be announced shortly and I have a feeling that most Disney Fans/Geeks will be pleased and surprised by what they see. That meeting the HK Officials had with Disney Suits earlier this year has finally borne fruitful results.
That fruit is about to be picked...
Ah, the plot thickens...
2:30pm Tuesday, 30th June (Hong Kong Time)........
Fingers crossed...
this could be great!
Im a little worried now by the part sounding like it won't be all that great...
Should be interesting to see what happens.
pictures on miceage
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