Well, the future of film from the Mouse event is over...
Yawn. Really, yawn.
Not that some of the projects weren't exciting, but nothing, almost nothing I believe was new. I mean we got see a couple scenes, some purty logos, a new Muppet character revealed for that film. No mention of "Jungle Cruise" or "The Lone Ranger." No glitzy stars to show up. No new clip from "Tron Legacy" to salivate your 80's geeky memories. What gives?
Ross really underwhelmed the event if you ask me and since you're reading this I guess you are. I wish the guy well in the job and all, I mean, I don't want to see Walt Disney Pictures tank but... really? Couldn't you have showed something new. An exciting new clip from something. A satellite feed with Johnny Depp dressed as Captain Jack? How about announcing a film you've finally greenlit? No?
Well, the news will just have to trickle out later and sloooooowly I guess. But if I was grading you Mr. Ross, then you'd be getting a C- at best and that's only cause I was giving you some credit for showing some great projects that your predecessor made. Now what are you going to do?
So far, you seem to be twiddling your thumbs and that doesn't get you far or long in Hollywood...
Yes, not too many earth-shattering things.
But as for surprise appearances and what not, I would expect that kind of thing to happen at the next D23 Expo...We can only hope anyway.
I guess Ross needs to start doing things, if not Iger will notice.
This guy looks like another Harvard grad tool.
Maybe they've got lots of projects coming up that they wanted to keep hush-hush for another year. Remember, Ross only just came in as Dick's replacement, and is likely still getting a feel for the job. The fact that he hasn't green-lit a million things is a good thing. That he's taking his time shows that he doesn't want to screw anything up. Also, you've got to remember that most of the projects that Dick green-lit cover the slate through 2012, two years from now (and possibly beyond, i.e. Lone Ranger). Anything major that Ross green-lights now is going to come out in late 2012 to early 2013 at the earliest.
And for lots of people, the official announcement of Monsters, Inc. 2 is big news. Not everyone is lucky enough to know about Blue Sky Disney, so this official confirmation will have been the first they've heard of the project.
I can see and understand why yesterdays event was lacklustre. For the same reasons, next year's won't be.
why bother hosting an event like this when you're not going to make it worth the guests time. Nothing new was said, sure some rumours or things stated under the table were confirmed, (namely the pixar stuff), but all of this could have just been released in a standard press release rather then hosting an event which sounds like a waste of the mouses money.
I am really surprised that nothing was announced for Disney Animation Studios. And a little bit worried, so far they have no projects lined up after Pooh.
I am really interested to see whether majority of the projects Dick Cook green-lit before he left will do well, and if they do, how will Iger and Ross handle it publicly. Will Ross take credit? Will Iger give Ross the Credit.
Me thinks this "Press-Event" was just an excuse to put Ross at the forefront of some projects to make it look like he has been busting his butt. If any of these movies going forward do well, I am certain Credit will be taken by Ross. But then again, Iger is a smart man (not that I'm happy with all his decisions), but he knows bullsh*t when he sees it.
I think that Ross has been busy putting his team together. I heard that he replaced something like 80% of the Studio's executives. They just announced the hiring of MT Carney as the new President of Marketing on Wednesday. They already had a pretty full slate of films in work at the time that Ross took over, and he's only canceled one or two of them. Give him another year or two. Then we'll find out what he's made of.
Oh, brother. A Monsters sequel (unneeded) and a Muppet movie (unneeded and likely to be unprofitable). Great. I'm all a-tingle.
And I'm not so sure Iger is all that smart. At least not in a way Disney needs. He's good at spending, the way a shopaholic is good at spending - buying stuff that's not really essential or even desirable. He's doing more damage to Disney than even Eisner. And Ross is tacky. There, I've said it. He's a tacky person who managed to capture lightning in a bottle with High School Musical, and has been rewarded with a position he's in no way suited for. And it's already showing.
"And for lots of people, the official announcement of Monsters, Inc. 2 is big news. Not everyone is lucky enough to know about Blue Sky Disney, so this official confirmation will have been the first they've heard of the project."
The people who haven't heard the Monsters 2 rumors have no idea that the official announcement was made. They won't know abou it until the previews hit theaters.
"The people who haven't heard the Monsters 2 rumors have no idea that the official announcement was made. They won't know abou it until the previews hit theaters."
Not necessarily. Its not hard to find out. All people have to do is read official online news sources. The info is officially out there now.
"Monsters sequel (unneeded) and a Muppet movie (unneeded and likely to be unprofitable). Great. I'm all a-tingle."
Sarcasm on the Internet is always tacky.
Perhaps YOU think that a monsters sequel is unneeded, but many people don't.
And if you think a Muppet movie will be unprofitable then you are obviously underestimating the fans. (and you obviously don't like the Muppets)
There are many people love the Muppets and many people are glad that they are not dead, and are happy that they are making a new Muppet movie.
Want proof? Go to the MuppetsStudio channel on youtube and see all of the overwhelmingly positive feedback from all of their new videos and such.
There is a fan base. So hopefully, the movie will do well.
I don't like HSM either, but for God's sake, if there are people out there who DO like it, then good for them.
The same thing applies to a Monsters sequel and a Muppet movie.
The world does not revolve around YOUR needs alone.
And being a reader of Honor's blog for a few years now, I know that he agrees that not everything needs to be his cup of tea.
This is my final word here, I am in no mood for a flame war. And the point of this blog post has been made; that Rich Ross's presentation was a bit underwhelming. So there is nothing more for me to say.
"The world does not revolve around YOUR needs alone.
This is my final word here, I am in no mood for a flame war. And the point of this blog post has been made; that Rich Ross's presentation was a bit underwhelming. So there is nothing more for me to say."
Why say anything at all then? Just let people have their say and all is done with.
Anyways, I'd think we'd all agree that this press event was a waste of time, and while some official news did come about, it was nothing a simple press release couldn't have accomplished.
Doesn't look like Richy Ross has been doing anything. He should do that on his own time, and be replaced by someone competent.
I agree with anyone who has said that Iger and Ross need to be left alone and don't deserve to be bashed.
Those two gentlemen ARE smart and they DO know what they're doing, which is more than anyone can say about Michael Eisner, Paul Pressler, etc.!
And, yes, there's TONS of people out there who love the Muppets, HSM, etc. as well!
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