Sad news really...
Michael Jackson, who slipped into a coma earlier today has passed away from an apparent heart attack. My thoughts go out to his family and friends. I know there was great controversy around his life, but he most definitely left a lasting impression on pop-culture.The first trip I took to Disneyland, my friends and I went and saw the Captain Eo presentation. It was a bizarre spectacle, but a very enjoyable one. He was working on a comeback tour that was to start later this year. Alas, that will never happen and we'll be left with what was and could have been.
It's been a very pivotal day. Far more than was to be expected.
First an Angel, now a pop-star...
Beyond devastated.
Even through all the foolishness and crazyness...this man meant so much to so many.
Very sad. Quite possibly the most devestating death this year. I, too wrote about him on my blog.
Prayers go out to his family during this time. Very, very shocking, indeed.
So sad.
Arguably one of the biggest Disney fans ever.
We'll miss you Michael.
His kids now have a chance at a normal, safer life. Child molesters should rot. No excuses.
"His kids now have a chance at a normal, safer life. Child molesters should rot. No excuses."
Yeah but most Disneyland fans are child molesters too so he's given a pass.
> Child molesters should rot. No excuses.
Last time I checked he was never convicted of any such thing. Jackson was a victim of a vicious society and a disturbed childhood. I'll leave judgment to those with all the facts.
"Jackson was a victim of a vicious society and a disturbed childhood."
There are many people who are "kids at heart" that don't get a pass because they are not celebrities and don't have money. Michael Jackson gets empathy for sleeping in the same bed as children and giving them alcohol. I don't get it.
Great music. Troubled life, and yes, he was in control of his own destiny. He wasn't just a victim. It's no excuse.
"Michael Jackson gets empathy for sleeping in the same bed as children and giving them alcohol. I don't get it."
You make it sound like it was a fact. The fact that there were no evidence of such a situation shows that he may have been innocent, he was acquitted by all counts in 2005 in the last molestation case. The case showed how much people can be selfish and are willing to bring someone down. He was a victim of a judgmental society, who declared his uniqueness as dangerous and one to be feared. The lack of understand from the public gathered damage to his reputation.
He'll be missed. But he'll be in our hearts forever.
He said it himself in an interview with Martin Bashir, he slept in the same bed as children and that if he couldn't be around children he'd kill himself.
Illegal? Probably not. Creepy? Yes. "Normal" men would be burned at the stake for saying such things. Again, Michael Jackson gets a pass.
Great music, disfunctional backgroung, tragic life, sad ending...
If one collected together all of Spokker's posts, one would get a picture of a very disturbed, angry and bigoted individual.
The poor guy hasn't been dead for a few hours, and there he goes, swooping in like a vulture. Or a troll.
But you better say nothing but nice things about me when I die :) The dead are all saints, after all.
No evidence. Yeah. Pretty much have to be willfully obtuse and just plain stupid to believe Michael Jackson was innocent of an unhealthy infatuation with children.
You err on the side of the CHILDREN, not on the side of a wealthy pervert who can buy off his accusers. Good Lord, our culture's doomed if this is the kind of myopic, close-minded perspective being cultivated.
The guy hung an INFANT out a window in front of thousands. He was disturbed, and that was just one evidence of it for all to see.
But Thriller. THRILLER! And Captain E.O.!
My next-door neighbor, who is a 45-year-old overweight bus driver who never married, invites kids over to play Nintendo because he says he loves kids and is just a big kid at heart. What a creep!
But that Michael Jackson though, what a lovable guy.
Spokker is a liar. MJ never said that if he couldnt be around kids he would kill himself. What he said was when asked if he molested kids was:
"No absoluetly not. I would slit my wrists if I ever hurt a child"
Michael Jackson had a good heart and was a true legend. He will be remembered forever.
"If one collected together all of Spokker's posts, one would get a picture of a very disturbed, angry and bigoted individual."
Yes, I agree 100%. Thank you for saying that.
Now look, I personally didn't care much for Micheal Jackson, but still this news is pretty sad, because it is always sad when a life is lost.
Plus, Spokker's remark abut Disneyland fans is absolutely outrageous and not funny. Spokker IS a bigot and he LOVES to act rude and belittle anyone whom he disagrees with.
And Spokker, if you say something sarcastic and rude in response to me, you will only be proving my point.
HONOR, if you are reading these comments, PLEASE consider moderating future comments.
/\ ...And yes, I am fully aware that I misspelled "about" so don't bother pointing that out.
"Spokker is a liar. MJ never said that if he couldnt be around kids he would kill himself."
Jackson: If there were no children on this Earth, if somebody announced all kids are dead, I would jump off the balcony immediately. I'm done.
Step 1: Read Honor's latest article.
Step 2: Consider leaving a comment.
Step 3: Get into a stinky argument with spokker that goes round and round in circles and quickly degenerates into mudslinging.
That's what happens when you let a troll into your house. Doesn't matter what the subject is, he'll stink it up within hours.
Ah yes, God forbid anyone say anything contrary to the popular opinion. That's trolling.
^from the expert.
Well, listen, I never owned an "artistic" book full of photos of young nude boys. I guess I don't deserve any praise unlike the great Michael Jackson.
My next-door neighbor, who is a 45-year-old overweight bus driver who never married, invites kids over to play Nintendo because he says he loves kids and is just a big kid at heart. What a creep!
Now that would make an interesting sitcom....! lol
Spokker, it's said that you were never taught how to respect the dead. Really.
I would suggest going to some sort of holy place- church, mosque, temple- soon. It might help you out.
And I'm pretty sure this post was designed to pay our respects to Michael Jackson. And with your rude attacks on the man, you are trolling. If you have a problem, please take your comments and leave now. Nobody wants to hear them.
Rest in Peace, Micheal
"I would suggest going to some sort of holy place- church, mosque, temple- soon. It might help you out."
I have no use for religion.
"And I'm pretty sure this post was designed to pay our respects to Michael Jackson."
This is not the wake. This is not the funeral. It's not even one of those silly little vigils in Hollywood where fans mourn over Michael Jackson the radio personality's star. This is a forum for public discussion and all viewpoints should be welcome. I will continue to post whatever I feel, just like you, until I am unable to.
No. This is a blog in which 1 person, namely Honor Hunter, epresses his opinions. Not speaking for him, This was designed to honor Michael Jackson. It is not in anyway a forum.
And no use for religion? I hope you realize the spectacle you are making. I don't understand why you don't write on your own blog and must come here to spew your stupidity.
There is nothing stupid about discussing the life and death of Michael Jackson. You glorify him all you want, and I'll vilify him. Does it matter at the end of the day? It's just the Internet.
This is ridiculous, we have something that is heating up with Iran/North Korea and everybody is swinging from MJ's nuts. Wake up people.
"No. This is a blog in which 1 person, namely Honor Hunter, epresses his opinions. Not speaking for him, This was designed to honor Michael Jackson. It is not in anyway a forum."
Unfortunately, I can already predict what Spokker will say to that.
Spokker will probably say; "Thanks Internet police"
He said that to me once when I was similarly trying to remind people that Honor's comment section was not a message board forum.
I'm sorry to get off topic, but I'm glad that now finally people are realizing about Spokker what I have known ever since 2008 from watching his behavior in forums;
Spokker is nothing but a rude, sarcastic bigot, with an obvious superiority complex.
On a side note, I must say that I absolutely love the screenname SWINGIN' FROM HIS NUTS. I was skimming through the comments section and saw that out of context, and I quite (immaturely) LOL'd.
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