I'm glad that you share my disappointment for KOTCS. Some of my friends actually liked it, and I just couldn't see why. My theory is that the casual fans didn't mind it, but the die hard fans had a bigger problem with it. The South Park episode made me very happy.
Yup just saw the South Park episode "The China Problem" the other day, and it made me think of this blog. Quite hilarious...in a very gross kind of way, of course. In case you haven't seen it, do check it out, Honor.
I do understand why Lucas is making all these sequels, of course. If I could make mediocre movies that made me billions, whose to say that I wouldn't? But like many I wish they had more pride as artists and tried a little harder to make something more on par with the glory days. And while they're at it, I wish they'd end this unhealthy addiction to CG.
I think Ryne's nailed it pretty well. It really seems like people's reactions depend on their previous devotion to the series.
For example, I mildly disliked it, but I've never been a huge Indy fan. Sure I enjoy the films, but they don't hold any special meaning or nostalgia to me. A few of my friends who are much bigger fans of the series, though, actually liked it. However, we're all young enough that none of us saw the original films in theaters. On the other hand, almost everyone I know who DID see the original films in theaters hates KOTCS with a fiery passion.
I know Lucas has no pride these days, but Spielberg still makes quality material for the most part, and I really hope he has the common sense to learn from his mistakes for this next one. I might not be a huge fan, but that doesn't mean I want to see it ruined for everone else.
I enjoyed Indy 4 from a silly summer movie aspect. But as I am also a huge Indy fan I hated it. I guess that means I thought it was an okay movie as long as I pretended it had nothing to do with Indiana Jones. Does that make sense?
I didn't hate "Crystal Skull" but I was disappointed in it. It seemed like a story that would have made a good, read that, good "Mummy" type film, but not an Indy film. Granted, Temple of Doom" and "Last Crusade" are not near as stellar as "Raiders" but they're still above most action films. The fourth entry was not, but I was greatly disappointed. But unlike my close friends, I did not hate it.
There is NOTHING Lucas or Spielberg can do that would be an apology for the apalling atrocity that was Skull. The damage has already been done. Raiders is forever tarnished. At least with Star Wars there was hope that Lucas could get his shit together by Sith and not make the prequels a total waste of film but as far as Indy is concerned, it's over. Turn out the lights. Harrison needs to hang up the hat. This franchise Nuked the Fridge.
Raiders is not tarnished. No matter what, it will always be a gem of cinematic brilliance. It's only tarnished in your mind. And then only if you let it do so.
Don't give in to the dark side of the Force my friend.
When I watch Raiders now and Marion says to Indy "How 'bout a drink? You know, a drink?" I can't help but think that they get drunk and f*** and BAM! Mutt Williams is conceived right there. Nope, it's tarnished. They ruined it.
Oh get over yourself. The movie was a lot of fun. If you & other detractors have a problem with it, it's that it's not 1989 anymore. Too bad. Even ILM isn't that good with special effects. Get a grip!
One of my least favorite South Park episodes of the season, at least until they got to Skywalker ranch. That was pretty good.
BTW, I enjoyed Kingdom of the Crystal Skull generally, though I am a huge Indy Fan (especially teh first two movies), and, except for 100% less Sallah, I'd put KOTCS above Last Crusade any day. And I didn't expect Crystal Skull, or the next movie if they make it, to live up to the wonders of Raiders and Temple of Doom, two perfect eighties movies by two creative people at the very top of their games.
Hopefully, if they make another movie, it will be better. They could just remake KOTCS as is, only get rid of of Mutt and add some Sallah, and I'd be happy. ;)
Only if they first apologize for the Raiders retread that was "The Last Crusade".
I'm glad that you share my disappointment for KOTCS. Some of my friends actually liked it, and I just couldn't see why. My theory is that the casual fans didn't mind it, but the die hard fans had a bigger problem with it. The South Park episode made me very happy.
Yup just saw the South Park episode "The China Problem" the other day, and it made me think of this blog. Quite hilarious...in a very gross kind of way, of course. In case you haven't seen it, do check it out, Honor.
I do understand why Lucas is making all these sequels, of course. If I could make mediocre movies that made me billions, whose to say that I wouldn't? But like many I wish they had more pride as artists and tried a little harder to make something more on par with the glory days. And while they're at it, I wish they'd end this unhealthy addiction to CG.
- Tasman
- Tasman.
I think Ryne's nailed it pretty well. It really seems like people's reactions depend on their previous devotion to the series.
For example, I mildly disliked it, but I've never been a huge Indy fan. Sure I enjoy the films, but they don't hold any special meaning or nostalgia to me. A few of my friends who are much bigger fans of the series, though, actually liked it. However, we're all young enough that none of us saw the original films in theaters. On the other hand, almost everyone I know who DID see the original films in theaters hates KOTCS with a fiery passion.
I know Lucas has no pride these days, but Spielberg still makes quality material for the most part, and I really hope he has the common sense to learn from his mistakes for this next one. I might not be a huge fan, but that doesn't mean I want to see it ruined for everone else.
I enjoyed Indy 4 from a silly summer movie aspect. But as I am also a huge Indy fan I hated it. I guess that means I thought it was an okay movie as long as I pretended it had nothing to do with Indiana Jones. Does that make sense?
To make myself perfectly clear...
I didn't hate "Crystal Skull" but I was disappointed in it. It seemed like a story that would have made a good, read that, good "Mummy" type film, but not an Indy film. Granted,
Temple of Doom" and "Last Crusade" are not near as stellar as "Raiders" but they're still above most action films. The fourth entry was not, but I was greatly disappointed. But unlike my close friends, I did not hate it.
I hated it wasn't great.
And it could have been...
There is NOTHING Lucas or Spielberg can do that would be an apology for the apalling atrocity that was Skull. The damage has already been done. Raiders is forever tarnished. At least with Star Wars there was hope that Lucas could get his shit together by Sith and not make the prequels a total waste of film but as far as Indy is concerned, it's over. Turn out the lights. Harrison needs to hang up the hat. This franchise Nuked the Fridge.
No Mola Ram,
Raiders is not tarnished. No matter what, it will always be a gem of cinematic brilliance. It's only tarnished in your mind. And then only if you let it do so.
Don't give in to the dark side of the Force my friend.
When I watch Raiders now and Marion says to Indy "How 'bout a drink? You know, a drink?" I can't help but think that they get drunk and f*** and BAM! Mutt Williams is conceived right there. Nope, it's tarnished. They ruined it.
Oh get over yourself. The movie was a lot of fun. If you & other detractors have a problem with it, it's that it's not 1989 anymore. Too bad. Even ILM isn't that good with special effects. Get a grip!
One of my least favorite South Park episodes of the season, at least until they got to Skywalker ranch. That was pretty good.
BTW, I enjoyed Kingdom of the Crystal Skull generally, though I am a huge Indy Fan (especially teh first two movies), and, except for 100% less Sallah, I'd put KOTCS above Last Crusade any day. And I didn't expect Crystal Skull, or the next movie if they make it, to live up to the wonders of Raiders and Temple of Doom, two perfect eighties movies by two creative people at the very top of their games.
Hopefully, if they make another movie, it will be better. They could just remake KOTCS as is, only get rid of of Mutt and add some Sallah, and I'd be happy. ;)
I need Short Round.
Bring back Short Round. Now it would be Indiana Jones telling Short Round that there was "no time for love".
Hmmm... Bringing back Short Round? Wouldn't he be around fifteen if KOTCS was during the cold war? And the other movies in WWII, with them Nazis?
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