With the modern wonder that is YouTube, we also get to hear what went on in Orlando...
The "Main Event" at Celebration V, as it was hyped between Jon Stewart and George Lucas has now been made available for all to see thanks to fans uploading this video. If you want to see/hear the thought provoking words of the Flannel Shirted One, then click below. Lucas is such a large part of our pop-culture iconography that he had to be broken up into eight parts:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Click it or do not click it.
There is no try...
George seems like such a nice person. Wrong, but very nice. Hopefully he'll sell Star Wars and Indy to Disney and they can start some other films, like Knights of the Old Republic.
That way Lucas can go off and make those small films he keeps saying he wants to do.
Lucasfilm has removed the vids!
The videos are gone. Lucas used the Force to erase them.
The links to the interview got taken down.
Many Bothans died to bring us this information..
Lucasfilm's Evil Empir Strikes Back! Hey George, SUCK IT!
New link. Not as good, back of hall, no telephoto, but at least it's something.
Catch it while it's up.
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