Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where To Vacation In 2011...

No Jar Jar, no Jar Jar...

I received this travel video from the Star Tours Travel Company...

Enjoy it for your perusal and start booking today.

The future really isn't a long, long time ago...


Tinman said...

According to the Disney Parks blog, this is just a queue video and nothing more. In other words, don't get your hopes up that we'll actually fly to these locations on the ride.

I can't see why they wouldn't put thaf fancy new footage of Alderaan to better use, however...

Kevin Bruehl said...

I'm really worried about this ride. Why did they have to retheme it to the prequel trilogy, to some of the worst films ever made. It looks all CGI made instead of real like the original. I was hearing a bit of dialouge a while back from STar Tours that could not have been from the original, and it was Jar Jar Binks' comedy hour, and God help us if that's real and that's in this new attraction. They take away the realism when the do it all CGI, I honestly would have preferred they never redid it.

Anonymous said...

What about Paris?

Anonymous said...

As excited for this as I am.

What happens if this ends up being a dud? Do they go back, will it shut down? Will it just sit and forever collect dust.

Anonymous said...

You're overreacting and not to stop worrying, Kevin.

Mr. Lincoln said...

Really fun over all. I love the use of the original chimes.

But let's hope they hire some better compositors for the actual ride. Those images look like a half assed After Effects job if I've ever seen one.

Kuchana Kuchana!

Ryan said...

Why are Original Trilogy planets showing up in the Prequel Trilogy ride? Endor wouldn't be a major tourist destination without the Death Star II, and after was the Endor Holocaust (

And does this mean C-3PO will be all shiny looking?

Anonymous said...

It's not taking place during the prequels, it's taking place inbetween the trilogies. Ideally we'll get the best of both worlds in this attraction...