The tickets for the second D23 Expo will go on sell tomorrow...
If you are a Disney fan and didn't attend last years event, you really missed a great show. The Mouse really pulled off a great show, especially since it was their first one. There was great surprises, guests and an amazing show room with a great deal of beautiful WDI models.
I'm hearing that the goal of not having this in 2010 was to work on improving the quality even more for the next expo. As we get closer to the end of the year expect some exciting updates about the schedule.
Plus, at the coming Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, I can look forward to hearing from Tom Staggs instead of Jay speaking about the future of Disney Parks.
That's a big improvement right there...
so which package will you be getting honor.
will you let loose your inner sorcerer?
I'll be getting the Blue Sky Special...
Exclusive to me and a couple of guests. ;)
When, where and how much?
Did you even click on the link before writing that comment???
Of course Tom's presentation will be better than Jay Rasulo's, that wouldn't be hard to do, but have you heard how Tom talks?
"One of the things that I thought the early design did fantastically was delivered on that princess experience. And that does tend to skew towards girls. … We’ve kept that intact — not exactly, necessarily, the way it was presented, but that appeal is there and that’s a good positive, with an eye toward blending “aspirational rides” — rides that offer thrills or tension.”
Ticket info:
Jay might be giving some sort of keynote on the financials.
To Elite,
Thanks for your kind tip. I read the link. It's next year. Maybe we can meet up and I'll buy you a drink.
I hope I'm not the only one anticipating Rich Ross's speech.
How can anyone top the showman's Dick Cook from last year.
Not really liking the whole "exclusive" package thing at all. It basically says that Disney likes the "rich" fans better than the everyday ones. I guess their catch-phrase "a fan club made for you and me" is rather hyprocritical.
Your logic is flawed and totally false Capt. Tomorrow!
They DON'T favor the rich over the poor and you know that, so please don't be so stupid.
D23 has indeed become a club for the rich and also a club for CA people only. The events are always in CA. Why not Orlando? Why so much increase in price when they changed the membership levels. I did not renew my charter year membership. It is all about greed and milking disney people who love the mouse. "Made for you and me" is definitely a farce.
That last comment is complete bull. There HAVE been plenty of events in Orlando, the events have NOT always been in CA. Open your eyes people.
Why is there always so much ignorance?
There is even the "last flight" Star Tours event coming up in Florida.
I attended every day of the first expo. I LOVED it, and I'm really looking forward to the next one! :)
By the way, D23 really does care about member feedback. After just about every event, they send a survey asking people who attended about their thoughts.
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