Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fancy That...

Looks tasty, what flavor...

We're big Apple fans here at Blue Sky...

So when I read that the Fruit Company was considering purchasing a company called "The Fancy," I checked into it. It apparently is a rival to upstart Pinterest, which is a social networking site that involves commerce through visual mediums. If you love pictures, art and design then check it out. Maybe join.

I did. And if you want to join, then click here and check out the possibilities...


Anonymous said...

the article is speculation, yet you turn it to read as fact. You should watch that.

Truman Beinge said...

"yet you turn it to read as fact. You should watch that."


"So when I read that the Fruit Company was considering purchasing a company"

He said they were considering, you should watch that. Sigh.