Buena Vista Street is supposed to be the vision of what Walt would have seen...
It's where is dreams would have started, his story would have began to be told. And if it were told in the 1920's/1930's, it would have been shown in glorious black & white photographs. So imagine what it would have looked like to walk down that street with a big, old Speed Graphic camera and snap a picture as you go to the Hollywood Hotel (before that tragic accident, of course) to hear that great new trio, the Silver Lake Sisters sing, or go shopping for a new suit in that dapper new store, Elias and Co., or stop for a refreshingly, cold and creamy treat to beat the heat of a 30's summer in southern California at Clarabelle's Ice Cream. Or... you get the idea.

Imagine that...
These pictures really capture the true "spirit" of Buena Vista Street. Thanks for sharing these awesome shots!
Great pictures! Any insider scoop on Disney Hollywood Studios' rumored makeover?
Great Pictures. Can't wait to hear what they have planned for Tomorrowland.
I read on one site that Disney's Hollywood Studios may get the Carthaway theater to replace the entrance to the Great Movie Ride, the red trolley cars, and Cars Land by 2018. From the looks of the pictures, that will be great!
I certainly hope DHS doesn't get the DCA elements. They need things unique to their park. DHS and DCA have always been somewhat of a reflection of one another. It would be nice to have DCA as DCA and DHS as DHS.
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