Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Mice Not Ready To Play Nice...

It appears that the Walt Disney Company and housing developer SunCal won't be living happily everafter. Talks broke down without a resolution to the dispute. Looks like the answer will come at the ballot box...

I tend to side with Disney because all they seem to be doing is asking the Anaheim City Council honor the agreement it made in the last 90's when Disney agreed to expand the park into a resort. Six years later and the Council has a change of heart. Real nice for move... half the city's tax revenue comes from the Resort and they want pick a fight with the biggest employer.


Chris said...

I keep going back and forth on the issue. The last time I thought about it I was behind SunCal. Now I am back in the middle again. I am glad I don't have to vote in this.

I stay at the Holiday Inn on Manchester that butts up to the trailer park they would be removing and I would almost vote in favor of SunCal just to get rid of that as the view from the room.

Anonymous said...

That's rather short sighted. One of the problems with the Council rezoning the place is that it will likely mess with amount of Tax revenue that comes into the area. Disney is obligated to meet any shortfall. If this happens it could affect what they decide to build since they'll be more cautious now that they know the Anaheim City Council can't be relied on to honor its agreements. Disney didn't expect six years into an agreement for the city to go "Oh, I know we said we'd do this. We agreed to it with you, but now we've changed our minds after you've committed all these resources. Another thing to think about is that land could eventually be bought by Disney as well. I'd trust them putting something there like a hotel or retail/restaurant complex. 95% of the city is outside of the Resort District... I think they can find someplace else to put the housing. Leave this small area alone. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Anonymous said...

I heard the majority of housing suncal would build wouldn't even be low income. I also heard that Disney belives if it is put up to a vote, the people will side with them and keep the resort district as is. I think it is odd that the council doesn't want to abide by their own laws.