Over at Aint It Cool News they have a report from a student on an advance screening of "Enchanted" that is pretty positive. The reviewer thinks it's definately the right direction Disney should be going.
But the big news is what was said afterwards...
Dick Cook let loose some surprising info the reviewer said: "He said that the project would be helmed by the creative mastermind behind the majority of stop-motion pictures in the last decade. Our Dean looked at him slyly and asked, "This guy has never worked with Danny Elfman before has he?".
Sounds pretty exciting... I wonder if this was in the works before Tim had his meeting with Pixar a while back? Maybe he got along well with Uncle John. Hmmm...
Oh my gooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!
If this is true, it will be the most beautifull thing of the new era after the resurrection of 2D. Disney and Tim Burton are my two favourite artits.Please keep us informed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much
Burton back? WONDERFUL. If this return is for a animated project will be perfect. Anyway. Burton back to Dsiney is great news.
São Paulo, Brazil
I forgot to remember that you posted on this blog a rumor about a possible come back of Spielberg!!! Any news about it? Can you image two great talents of all time working again for Disney? This is gona be FANTASTIC!!!
What has Spielburg done in the last decade that is worthy of any Disnoid-drool? Seriously, any exceptional work the man produced happened back in the days when he had a discernable voice. Since the eighties, the man's work has been uneven in direction, like he lacks a vision.
(Maybe he's worth the effort just to revive Roger Rabbit. It would be nice to see the carcass of this once ubiqitous character pulled back from the curb. How awesome would a Roger Rabbit sequel be? Co-starring Oswald the Lucky Rabbit in an Indiana Jones/Henry Jones scenario?).
Burton, on the other hand--holy cow. It would be soooo fantastic for something meaningful and long term to be cemented between Tim and the Mouse. The man may also suffer from uneven work, but you get the sense that when he truly believes in something, the result is singularly a Tim Burton production. I'd love to see an Ed Wood "Streetmosphere" show at Disney's Hollywood Studios.
What if its not Tim Burton but Aardman Animation, the ones behind the WALLACE AND GROMIT cartoons? They've been making more stop-motion animation than Burton in the last decade. Then again, Aardman broke up with Dreamworks and now is dating Sony...
I'm glad to see Burton back, but I still think Disney's return to 2D is still bigger news.
I think Burton is a little bit off center but that is what makes his movies so unique.
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