Saturday, October 4, 2008

Boy's Town...

This is going to be a great gaming sight for young boys when it opens in 2009...

I have a feeling it's going to be more successful than even the Pirates Online game(whose graphics quality remind me more of PS2 than PS3 really), but they're designed for a bit younger age group...

Get ready to start your engines, guys.


Spokker said...

Cars suck. Trains rule.

Honor Hunter said...

your eloquence at describing your opinion is genius, Spokker...

Although "Cars" is one of my least favorite Pixar films, it is a good film, an enjoyable film and far better than most live-action films that were released around the same time.

That said, it's aimed more at adolescent boys, not boys who act adolescent, Spokker.

And it'll make a mint. Next time you're in the parks start counting the number of kids wearing something related to this film. Be forewarned, you may not have time to ride the attractions if you do this, though...

Anonymous said...

But Honor you so often belittle the studios who put out family fare for "kids only" point out how bad it is to make films with an eye towards marketing to kids.

Huh, somehow Pixar always get a pass. And you're right, "Cars" was a pretty bad Pixar film...very flat story telling, at best.

So, so I understand, boys dressed in "Cars" garb okay...girls dressed like princesses and HSM stuff, bad. Got it.

Anonymous said...

No one does gender stereotyping better than Disney.

Honor Hunter said...

Well first off, I didn't say "Cars" was bad. I said it was a good film, but one of my least favorite Pixar films.

I also don't think it's kids only... most Pixar films appeal to the entire family audience and this includes "Cars". As for the kids wearing those outfits and merchandise, I was simply stating a fact, not an opinion.

As for HSM stuff, I don't rag it, it's just not for me. Not what appeals to me. If I wanted to rag it or hated it really, then I wouldn't even acknowledge it on the blog. But I do give in some ink, simply because I think it plays an important part of the company...

Just not one that interest me, that's all.

Spokker said...

Cars is the movie Pixar makes when they want to risk something on a movie about a rat or a robot. Cars is a merchandise vehicle, no pun intended. It has little artistic merit, at least compared to Pixar's other films.

I think that Lasseter made it to sacrifice a little bit of Pixar's clout so they could continue to raise the bar with their other movies that don't sell as many crappy toys made in China.

Looking at BoxOfficeMojo, I'm not surprised that Cars did over 50 percent of its box office gross in the US while Ratatouille did 66 percent of its gross overseas.

It only leads credence to the belief that Cars is just a big dumb movie for big dumb Americans. It's got Larry and Cable Guy and Nascar, its sales from Wal-Mart alone are enough for Pixar to release a million Wall-E's.

A comparison of the posters for Ratatouille clearly show how frightened Disney was that Americans might think that Ratatouille was a film with some *gasp* intelligence, and therefore not worth watching.

Justin said...

If that is what you truly believe Spokker then you really don't know John Lasseter at all.

John made Cars because cars are a passion of his, and he felt that he needed to tell a story relating to his cross country journey with his family.

They had no idea before they made the movie how much the movie would make in merchandise. They had a feeling that it would be a hit, but they had no idea how big. Cars was made because John wanted to make that movie, not for its marketing and merchandising potential.

Cars 2 on the other hand...

Spokker said...

"If that is what you truly believe Spokker then you really don't know John Lasseter at all."

And I'm sure you're his best buddy.

"Cars 2 on the other hand..."

Hey, you don't know John Lasseter... how could you even imply that?

Anonymous said...

Everybody relax. Disney is doing this to help market Cars Land (I hope they change the name) at the revamped DCA. If the site is a success it will help Cars 2 which will halp the the new DCA.