Today is the day that tweens all across America have waited for. It's also the day that Bob Iger and his Suits have waited for. This year, unlike last, has been a mostly disappointing box office-wise and they feel it's about to change...
I have a feeling they're right.
So I guess it's time to say goodbye to Troy Bolton, Gabriella Montez, Sharpay Evans and the rest of the seniors in "High School Musical 3: Senior Year". Of course, this doesn't mean we'll be saying goodbye to the Wildcats, they're already prepping HSM 4. It's just not known yet what venue it will appear in. Be it a Disney Channel release or a Walt Disney Pictures release, it appears that the Mouse has got it's head in the game...
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Visit Disney.com today to catch a new Bolt Trailer... HSM's Biggest Fan, is a funny little guy who lives in a ball....
/\ Thanks for the heads up anoymous.
I don't care much for HSM, but I'm sure that HSM3 will be number one movie in America this weekend.
Sequel idea:
Sky High School Musical in Space
I had half a mind to see this yesterday... since I had seen parts of 1 and laughed at the entirety of 2.
Good thing that my love for whatever is left in my wallet won out...
I'm saving my movie ticket money for a couple weeks: Quantum of Solace and Bolt...
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