Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sleeping Beauty Awakens...

Today Walt Disney's classic, "Sleeping Beauty" becomes available on DVD and Blu-Ray. When it came out at the time, it was a very expensive and ambitious project, yet it failed to make a profit for decades. It's a film that had Walt wondering if he was going to be able to keep making animated films...

The cost had just gotten so high and he was making a great deal of money just churning out cheaper live-action fare. Although the story isn't the best Disney produced, the production values are spectacular here. Of particular note is the backgrounds which are arguably the best of any animated film, Disney or otherwise. Add to that, the most iconic and greatest Disney villain ever created, Maleficent, and you've got one heck of a reason to grab a snack, a drink, settle down in a comfy chair and pop this little gem in your player.

Go out and get a copy today. And may I suggest you get the Blu-Ray even if you don't own it. Why? Because it comes with a copy of the DVD as well, so you'll have a copy to watch now, and in the near future when you buy a new Blu-Ray player you won't have to repurchase another copy just to experience the stunning beauty of Sleeping Beauty in hi-def...

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