Shortly after Tokyo DisneySEA opened up, the Travel Channel broadcast a special on the making of the park entitled: "Disneysea Revealed." It was a very good special that showed the work and love that went into creating this park. It hasn't been broadcast in many years and is unavailable for purchase from their DVD Store so it's been almost impossible for those that haven't seen it to...
Well, see it. For those of us that enjoyed it and wanted to buy it or just see it again, we too have been frustrated at trying to find a copy. Waiting around for the channel to rebroadcast it hasn't really helped either. But now there is help. A couple parts of the special have been up on YouTube for some time now, but the entirety of the program has not. Now it finally is...
If you want to see the entire program you now can find the whole program available on YouTube in five easy to watch parts:
Part One.
Part Two.
Part Three.
Part Four.
Part Five.
there is also a travel channel special for dl paris that they dont seem to show anymore. I have them all recorded on vhs but have no way of getting them onto a computer.
You can buy devices that will transfer them or do the easier route and get a service to transfer them from VHS to DVD.
Hurrah! Thankies for finding these!!!
Thanks for sharing! I love watching all the Disney Parks shows on Travel Channel. I've never seen this before, and I enjoyed it. TDS is such a unique park.
I hope that more Disney fans in the United States become aware of DisneySea, not just that it exists but what it's truly about, and get angry that they aren't getting an equivalent experience from The Walt Disney Company.
I just hope that quality wins out over cheap annual passports, ridiculous makeovers and annual promotions, and countless popular-right-now-movie-character-rides.
Talkative Tinkerbell and her fairy friends are this season's hot new property. Jules Verne's Mysterious Island is timeless. That's the way it is and that's the way it always will be.
The sad part is that Tinkerbell used to be timeless too...
She still is Spokker, she still is...
As nice as it was to see this TDS special, like everything else Disney theme park related nowadays, it's too little attention spread over too many things. In order to show everything in the park, no more than 5 minutes is spent on each subject. I couldn't care less about the Monkey Acrobats or the Water shows, so it's frustrating that they get as much time as major E Tickets in the park.
On MouseBits.com, a torrent site for non-commercial Disney parks audio and video, there's a fan-made video tour of DisneySea here.
It's worth checking out if you want a slower paced tour of the place.
Yes, that video is amazing. The same person did a tour of Disney's Animal Kingdom and Disneyland Paris, both of equal quality.
Mousebits also still has the DisneySea Travel Channel Video available but it is low quality. Great for my iPod but not for burning to a DVD.
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