The guys over at Coming Soon have gotten an interview with the original Yoda and have asked him the question he never gets asked: "Will there be a fifth Indiana Jones film?"
It's interesting to see that he does want to continue even after he did such a great job last time...
Of wiping away the nostalgia I had for my favorite film character.
If anything, it will be made as a form of redemption for the sadness that he put me through watching IJATKOTCS. Perhaps they could call it "Indiana Jones and the Search for George Lucas' Soul?" No? How about "Raiders of the Lost Art of Film Making?" No? How 'bout...
Well, you get my drift.
I've loved so many Lucas projects since my childhood, but that was before "The Turn". More about that in a future post. Later this week I should have a part two for you on "Indiana Jones and What Came Before," but be warned that it ain't purty.
Anyways, hopefully some good will come out of this. I can at least cross my fingers and rub my lucky rabbit's foot and close my eyes and wish there's no place like home, while clicking my ruby slippers...
Sigh, I hope it works.
Crystal Skull was an abomination. Harrison Ford needs to have the dignity to retire gracefully and hang up the hat. Lucas is such a whoremonger.
I will never forgive George Lucas for what he's done to Star Wars. I mean, what IS it with his Anakin Skywalker fixation? Who gives a CRAP about that character? If he wants to do Star Wars in CGI, why the HELL doesn't he bring back LUKE Skywalker, and Han Solo, and Princess Leia, etc, and have the original cast do the voices?
Like the "first three chapters" of SW weren't bad enough. Fie on you, Lucas! FIE!!!!
I finally got to see KOTCS a couple weeks ago. My response was basically WTF?! That was such an awful, stupid movie.
What is the problem? KOTCS was so similar to the original 3 movies, it was the perfect sequel. The problem with these movie sequels which come out after 20 years is that the fanboys build them up so much, nothing that they do will be good enough! Movies are a business, and the kids who watch the star wars animation don't even remeber Luke Skywalker! As much as I hate it, I am not their target market!
I loved Crystal Skull. It was a great film in the spirit of the original ones. I can't wait for the next one.
I have taken kids who are 15 and 11 to this movie and they both loved it, action and adventure.... they were enthralled, it has what the movies are made of today not yesteryear. My point is and im a huge fan of indy but didnt like the movie is this wasnt made for the fanboys this was made for the majority of the audience who get the buts in the seats, its just like when disneyland does something that upsets the Ap'ers they dont think about the AP'ers they think about the other 12 plus million that come in a year
So regardless a fifth movie will be made and it will probably make 250 million plus
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